Input requested, please
The other day, our friend Zero Ponsdorf asked me, once again, if I’d consider adding a discussion forum to This Ain’t Hell in which you guys could start topics and flame fests about things that interest you.
In the past, I’ve always shied away from the idea – mainly because I remember what an asshole I was when I did the forum thing. My last banning from a forum was the impetus for starting this blog (I think I still hold the record for more than 50 suspensions at The History Channel forums). My membership at Democratic Underground lasted about 30 seconds after my first comment back in 1999.
To convince me to change my mind, Ponsdorf offered to handle the moderating duties at the new forum. Now I know that forums added to blogs have varying degrees of success. Powerline seems to have done a good job at it while Little Green Footballs recently closed their Lizard Lounge.
I also remember we had a great time when we live-blogged the presidential debates last year, so I’ll admit that the idea has some merit, at least initially.
Well, I’ve done some shopping for software and figured the cost out and the technical aspects of it, and all that’s left to do is ask y’all if you think it’d be worth my time and expense. Judging by the number of tips we get, you guys have great ideas for discussion – unfortunately, I can’t use them all so this would give you an outlet.
However, I don’t want to spend money and time on a project that ends up having me, COB6 and TSO the only ones writing on it. We average about 2600 readers every day – as you can tell from our comments, most of them are silent. A discussion forum that has silent readers is pretty useless.
Initially, I plan to have participation to be absolutely free just like the blog, but I’m not promising what the future will look like – I don’t think my wife would understand my English if I tried to explain to her why we can’t eat this month so you guys can discuss the merits of flame-broiled burgers vs. grilled cheese sandwiches.
So leave me some relatively constructive comments on how much, or little, you’re excited by this suggestion from Ponsdorf.
Category: Administrative, Pointless blather
I’d enjoy it. I would post, but not sure how much. I’m not real outspoken but I do put in my two cents at times. I enjoy the comments
here and think more would probably jump in as it gets going. And don’t be so hard on yourself! On that other forum where I knew you, I always enjoyed your comments; you really were a lovable asshole! 🙂
Topic: The laxative effect of light beer and cashews…discuss.
Claymore: I have a better laxative than that – Green death (Special Export) and cheese curds.
As for a forum? Yeah, Jonn, sounds good to me, because I have been shopping around for a steady place to squawk since that other site (probably the same one as you) has become rather weak kneed on the moderator side of it and I have been rather constrained, with their help and without it. That’s probably why I haven’t seen you over there in a long time, heh, heh, heh.
I think it would be great, too. I promise not to squawk or swear any more than normal. And to honestly contribute. And, hey, with some of those tips, you could assign us a job and make us feel important-like. Yep.
I agree that it is a good idea to be honest. I was banned from the Ann Coulter chat, along with Claymore and Brown Neck Gaitor, Nicki and Skvo. Also AJ (libertarian bass) and a host of other folks by a Herpatologist.
I vote Clay as the official moderator VP to Ponsdorf.
Most Noble Sir:
Anyplace that would allow Claymore the Scotsman to post is surely a place that I would frequent. Considering that I give TSO a few tips of interesting content, I could be persuaded to contribute to the shenanigans, too…
Uh oh. What was that lesson I learned about volunteering again? Something about it not being a good idea? I can’t remember all the details, being old and all.
Oh well, bring it on. I don’t think this forum thing involves getting shot at.
Would I be able to talk about the same subjects as the things I whisper in your ear when we’re out drinking with the Wounded Warriors? If not….count me out.
Jonn wrote: If that’s as bad as it gets, yeah, OK.
We could discuss what sort of mutated spawn would issue if Code Pink and IVAW had a baby. Cool
Go for it!
Nucsnipe – “if Code Pink and IVAW had a baby.” – to accomplish that, one group or another would need balls.
And both would have to be blind or drunk.
PS – If the forum goes hot, maybe practical things would be good, like making that 400 yard shot, or making a throwaway suppressor out of an old oatmeal box, duct tape and a bag of marshmallows….
Not sure about the forum thing over here, I mean it ain’t like anybody here ever has anything to say. If you were getting a 100 comments on your regular posts then maybe I would consider it, but reading more of Claymores adolescent war pr0n does have it limits.
See if he was the moderator I would already be banned. 🙂
Being a place to dump some links though is appealing.
I think I would challenge people to step up. Start an open thread once in awhile instead and invite folks to drop links and stories before jumping in with both feet on a full blown forum.
Just out of curiosity…what does one have to say to get Das Boot from Ann Coulter’s website?
Just disagree with the moderator at the time. Ann never read it. It was a fiefdom, and we crossed the Baron.
TSO is being modest. It had something to do with
a) Someone suggesting that someone else could use a “good poke” in their 4th point of contact.
b) That same someone getting banned for the offense of being deployed overseas. That was a good time.
c) A few humorous posts about someone elses else’s shag carpeting and them hunting for Wabbits.
d) All of the above.
Hey TSO, you could use a good….
OK, I’ll be serious. It is a good idea but these days I wouldn’t have much time. Not that the decision will or should be made based on my one “vote” but you asked so….I told.
Why not try a “money where your mouth wants to be” deal?
Set up a tip jar. Those who want the forum put up some cash for the forum. If enough cash comes in to purchase the software, buy it. If not, keep the cash and spend it on Valu-Rite Vodka.
Sounds good to me. A place to post research on wannabes etc could be productive.
maybe those of us who think a forum is a good idea could hit the tip jar to help pay for it? just a thought.
Jonn wrote: Please don’t hold your breath waiting for me to argue with you. 🙂 Hitting the tip jar is always encouraged.
Added: Yay! Kate hit the tip jar! Thanks, dear!