Heh. Now he goes to Landstuhl?

| May 28, 2009

Remember last year, during the campaign that candidate Barack Obama blew off the wounded troops at Landstuhl hospital while stumping across Europe? Well, Stars and Stripes is running a teaser headline (no story yet) announcing he will go to Landstuhl hospital and he will visit wounded troops there this trip to Europe. I took a screen capture since it’s sure to change sometime in the next few hours;

Factcheck.org wrote at the time that it wasn’t a snub last year, but I tend to concur with Blackfive.

I guess Obama is taking a Mulligan.

ADDED: Here’s a link on the current story from USAToday.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Support the troops

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Well, let’s give the guy a break…I mean he’s had his hands full running two auto makers and a shit load of banks…you know…per his Constitutional obligations…shit like that.


Wanna bet the wounded get pushed out of the way so the press can get photos of the 0 actually visiting the wounded? And like Claymore said, he’s been real busy doing all those constitutional duties he swore he’d do.


Like the patients, I am excited that the President of the United States came for a visit. He also awarded 6 purple hearts.

President Obama walks the walk – every time.