Oh, Piss Off!
It seems the Irish don’t like the antifas any more than the rest of us do. Those Irish protesting being stuck indoors decided to go poke the pantifas, who must have been in fear of people their own size. The local Garda (Irish for pohlease people) showed up to break up the public discussion before things turned — well, garbh (rough).
Category: "The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves", ANTIFA
That was funny. Unless it was a bandana or gay panties on his head, the one fella looked like he had blood running down the side of his face.
Good on the Garda!
Pantyfa…”Do your f…ing job!”
Pohleaze..”OK, but you’re not going to like it!”
Careful what you ask for, you may get it!
Erin Go Bragh!
Again, your right to “mostly peaceful” protest ends when it interferes with my right to unobstructed passage on public thoroughfares.
When you want to protest or have a rebellion, be sure you are ready for the results. They may not be what you hoped they would be.
BZ Garda!
Erin go Braless… FIFY KOB
That reaction has happened here in the States, but very rarely do you hear about it.
Good to see the LEO’s actually working for the people.
Erin go bragh!
“It’s Irish for ‘You’re fucked!’”
Wouldn’t that be “You’re Fooked” TOW?
1. Rope.
2. Tree or gallows.
3. Pedophile(s).
Some assembly required.
Antifa is best cured with a pick handle. Apply directly to the forehead. Repeat as necessary. That applies to their “medics”, too.
Most confusing video evah.
Irish is an ethnicity.
In what city and state was that taped?
Most likely in Dubin, in Ireland.