Watch Joe self-contort

| June 27, 2024


Tonight it will be interesting to see which Joe Biden shows up. Is it gonna be “I’m so successful that crime is falling” Joe? Or will it be “crime is out of control ban all the guns” Joe? Can he do both in one debate? The smart money says “Oh, yeah, without even breaking a sweat.”

According to the FBI statistics, murders decreased by 26.4%, rapes were down by 25.7%, robbery decreased by 17.8%, aggravated assault was down by 12.5%, and property crime was lower by 15% in the first quarter.

Pretty heady stuff, huh?

In a statement provided to Newsweek, the FBI said: “Participation in the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program is voluntary. The accuracy of the statistics released by the FBI’s UCR Program is based on data contributors’ participation and adherence to national standards.”

Other crime analysts have also cast doubt on the FBI data, noting that it only covers 77% of the U.S. population and should be considered preliminary, given that state and local law enforcement agencies have months to report their data and correct any errors.

At the height of the pandemic, crimes of all sorts spiked precipitously — for reasons still being debated — including a 30% increase in homicide deaths and a 9% increase in auto thefts. There was also increases in domestic violence and nonviolent crimes, such as fraud. Newsweek

So we see a drop…but only part of the data is reported, and some of THAT data is incomplete. In my world that is not ringing endorsement. Kind of like reporting jobs growth after a massive jobs shutdown, huh?

But what about when Joe wants to ban ‘assault weapons’ or push background checks?

But when he panders to the gun-ban industry, advocates for an “assault weapon” ban, or announces yet another infringement of the Second Amendment as part of his ongoing war on guns, Biden cites mass-shooting data from the Gun Violence Archive.

To be clear, the Gun Violence Archive, which has been widely debunked, collects much more than just mass-shooting data, but Biden never uses any of these statistics. He only cherry-picks GVA’s mass-shooting data, for obvious reasons. The other data shows violent crime has exploded during his presidency — especially when compared to President Donald J. Trump’s term in office.

Well, at least we know where that missing data is going. GVA is getting it instead of the FBI, apparently.

Nearly every type of shooting death tracked by the GVA over the past 10 years increased substantially after Biden took office: Deaths (willful, malicious and accidental), mass shootings, deaths of children (ages 0-11, ages 12-17), unintentional shootings and suicide by firearms all increased under the Bide-Harris administration.

Founded in 2013, the GVA quickly became Biden’s source of choice for mass-shooting data because they hype the numbers. The small nonprofit came up with its own extremely broad definition of a mass shooting, which says anytime four or more people are killed or even slightly wounded with a firearm regardless of the circumstances, it’s a mass shooting. For example, according to the GVA there were 417 mass shootings in 2019. The FBI says there were 30, because it uses a much narrower and more realistic definition, which excludes gang-related and drug-related shootings, which the GVA includes in its data.  Buckeye Firearms

Ol’ Joe will almost guaranteed talk out of both sides of his mouth Thursday, I’m sure. That will make four sides at the same time…should be amusing if nothing else.  Maybe a good Brit murder show would be wiser to watch.


Know what I want to see? Someone to HONESTLY  parse shooting statistics – how many are committed by thugs and drug dealers with illegal guns? Break it down by race, too. Heck, might even throw in religious affiliation. Bet you would hear people’s heads exploding all over the country.


Category: 2024 Election, Biden, Guns

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