Munoz avoids deployment to Afghanistan

| July 12, 2013

The other day, we talked about Christopher Munoz, the fellow who decided during his brief military career that as soon as a deployment loomed large in his future that he opposed war. Well according to the filthy hippies at “Our Lives, Our Rights” Munoz has successfully avoided his duty and Blue Falconed his comrades;

Despite filing as a Conscientious Objector, PV2 Munoz was still being threatened with deployment by his command. When ordered to report for duty with all of his gear for deployment, PV2 Munoz reported as ordered, but he bravely refused to bring his gear, asserting that any participation conflicted with his conscience. As a result, his chain of command was forced to back down and placed him on rear detachment. He is now no longer deploying to Afghanistan.

Yeah, his chain of command was “forced to back down” because they realized that this goat-f*ck of a human being wasn’t worth the trouble. Who wants to serve with a Blue Falcon when they don’t have to? I’m sure his crying and whining would have kept awake the soldiers who were actually doing the jobs for which they signed up.

If you’re wondering what Munoz’ family thinks about his cowardice, that’s his mom photo-bombing his family for the filthy hippies’ propaganda picture;


Thanks to Alex for the link.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Shitbags

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“As a result, his chain of command was forced to back down and placed him on rear detachment. He is now no longer deploying to Afghanistan.”

Yeah…”forced”…as they prepare Court Martial charges

Enjoy your victory now numbskull….Uncle Sam will have the last laugh…promise you that


Hopefully they kept this cowardly asshole on rear detachment duty so they could give him the same treatment as Lakin – e.g., a court-martial followed by some time and a Dishonorable Discharge.

Conscientious objector my ass.

Old Trooper

WTF????? “Proud Army Mom”??? Yeah, I’m sure she’s real proud of the little pussy that she raised.


Another coward.

The chain of command “backed down”? Seriously?

As the old saying goes: “The standard you walk past or allow to happen is the standard you accept.”

Try that shit in an infantry company and see what happens.

Trapper Frank

Just another sorry a$$ rotten b@stard scamming the system. Hope Mother Army sticks the green weenie up his ass about 4 ft.


USMCE8Ret: I’m guessing an infantry unit with a “sudden” CO who refused to deploy would do exactly what the Army did when Lakin (and will likely this latest tool refused to deploy). They’d keep him in the rear, court-martial his cowardly ass pronto, and send him to prison for a while followed by a DD.


Wow! I’m glad he didn’t deploy, they have enough to deal with without having a totally useless POS to worry about. Besides he is obviously too stupid for even rear D. How many MOS’s are in the Army that are NOT combat?


Trapper Frank: that might well happen literally while he’s in prison. Cowards of any type reportedly don’t do to well in jail.


Am I the only one that wants to rip that “proud Army wife” shirt off of her and strangle her husband with it?

Veritas Omnia Vincit

@3 Right, proud of what? That he voluntarily joined the army and now refuses to do what he voluntarily agreed to do originally?

Can they make this 4sshole pay back the cost of his training and bonus money, if any?


Look for this buttwipe in a future SVT claiming Ranger status with 2k kills. They always regret their stupidity later in their lives.


What a bozo.

Another who doesn’t stay true to his salt.

Combat Historian

Stinkin’ putrid pussy sack of shit…


Oh, goody, another one our taxes get to feed, house, and medicate for awhile.


Don’t they have a brig, or some equivalent, in the Army?


@6/Hondo. True – and point taken.

I hate to say it, but “back in the day”, we would have taken him back home and supervise him pack his gear and take care of his business while underway…telling him to “harden the fuck up” and deal with it.

Times have changed, I guess.

Tx gunner

What happened to putting a POS like this in the brig. What kind of example is the Army setting by allowing this kind of shit.


You object to war but voluntarily sought service with a war fighting organization.

Some people’s kids…


The immature little boy has no idea how much the Big Chicken Dinner he’s about to be served is going to screw him the rest of his life. Bet wifey will be “proud” of him when he’s the head fry maker at Jack in the Box.


Before my last deployment we had a guy knock up a 15 year old. We still drug his ass with us to Iraq. He spent his 12 months burning shit and other unsavory details. When we landed back in Fairbanks the FPD were waiting at the bottom of the plane steps. When he stepped off the plane they shackled him and took him away. Why can’t they do that to this turd.


“Munoz was still being threatened with deployment by his command.”

Stop the fucking “threat to deploy” line bullshit and start the PCS paperwork for Leavenworth. God almighty! Is today’s Army that fucking weak?

Old Trooper

@9: Nope, you’re not.

Old Trooper

@21: It would appear so.


@20 – That’s precisely what should happen with this POS.

Make him pack his trash, deploy, and make him live up to the contract he signed. Yeah, some would argue he would become a “burden to the command”. There’s ways to deal with that type of behavior while forward deployed, and I guarantee it’s not comfortable either. Why give this guy exactly what he wants?


Beretverde: I think the “threatening to deploy” line was made up by the tool at “Our Lives, Our Rights” who wrote the article Jonn quoted rather than by anyone in the military.

I’d guess Munoz’s court-martial packet has been prepared by now. I’d also guess that Munoz either has or shortly will be read his rights, then informed of the charges against him (or maybe vice-versa; I seem to remember that both are read, but can’t remember whether it’s the charges or the rights warning that gets read first).

— break —

RM3(SS): I’m guessing that he may well receive a DD vice a BCD. If so, this tool Munoz will find out that’s much worse. DD automatically revokes rights to own firearms and disallows all VA benefits of all kinds. A BCD doesn’t always do that (the VA has discretion when someone has a BCD, but does not if the individual receives a DD).


Don’t they always need “volunteers” for the human mine detector platoon?

Old Trooper

@24: Damn right! Make him burn shit, police call the AO, haul trash from the chow hall, scrub tables in the chow hall, etc. Make him do it all day, every day, and rotate his hours so that the little bastard can’t have a good sleep schedule. Any bullshit detail that comes up; he’s the first in line.

Mike Kozlowski

…I refuse to believe that a GD or a OTHD ‘for the good of the Service’ can’t be obtained at the speed of light – I’ve seen it done, and that was by the Air Force, for cripes sake. I’m suspecting he wouldn’t be quite so fracking cheerful if he knew that on Monday morning, he’d be standing outside the front gate with his family and their baggage, wondering just what the hell happened…


2/17 Air Cav

Branded. Yellow striper.


Uh…time for Mrs. Munoz to turn in the “Proud Army Wife” hoodie, for less than “fair and tear” use.

The line forms right next to the Aaron Hernandez Jersey turn-in line!


Mike Koslowski: they can, but that really doesn’t seem to have much long-term impact these days. A court-martial conviction and a punitive discharge does, particularly if the punitive discharge is a DD. I personally hope the Army goes the latter route instead.


Can I be a Conscientious Objector to paying this NO LOAD SOB.


If you’re a conscientious objector why you enlisting yo? You mean no where in the time from enlistment, through basic training learning how to kill, countless training exercises, you mean he never figured out what this whole Army thing was about?


One would think that he would figure out what the Army was all about in basic when he had to answer the question “what makes the grass grow?”.


Don’t drag his worthless ass overseas to burden the unit. Give him the same crap jobs stateside and save the ‘combat bonus’ money he would get. Also makes it easier to track down the bullshit he’ll start spewing in 5 years about the horrors he saw while over there that gave him the PTSD.


This is the best possible scenario. Do we really want this guy to set foot in a war zone making him eligible to all kinds of things by claiming he was damaged over there? He’s already proven he is that type of person. Keep him conus, put him on extra duty, process him out.


Best possible is to bust him, charge him, and prove to all the sickcall rangers that wanna develop a syndrome right before a deployment that perhaps last minute jitters are okay, but not okay enough to get you out of doing what you promised.

Now I have to deal with privates that know that if they don’t want to go, all they have to do is show how this guy was treated to show they are being treated unfairly…


Don’t Army people get hazardous duty pay or something for going to Afghanistan and places like that?


I’m hoping he is given a Dishonorable Discharge. Let’s see anyone give him a credit line then. I wonder if his mommy will be proud of him when he has to move his family in with her because the only job he can get involves part-time minimum wage and a paper hat.

I don’t know of any soldier, beyond a handful of HOOAH-muther-frakkers, who actually WANTS to leave their families for a shithole for a year. But, they do it because they signed on the line and raised their right hand.

This oxygen thief is about to realize that him being kept back for the deployment was probably the worst decision of his life. He will doubtlessly face courts martial and, if he is lucky, might be offered a deal to take a DD rather than spend the rest of his contract time in Leavenworth.

A Proud Infidel & Patriot

Why haven’t they already either started Separation Proceedings, Court Martial, or just made him get his shit together and put him on the plane is a mystery to me. As for making him go and putting him on permanent shit-burning detail, HELL YEAH, that would be a good start!! Let’s see,… Failure to Follow a Lawful Order, Missing Movement, there’s two UCMJ offenses already, and the addition of Chapter 13, Failure to Adapt to a Military Lifestyle would be a good kicker that would keep him from ever getting back in! But alas, he could get away with this shit in today’s pussified command climate!!


Ex-PH2, it’s about $500 a month in extra pay, plus no income taxes. It makes a nice bonus-this guy doesn’t deserve it.


Can’t wait to see all his medals and hear all his war stories in twenty years. /sarc


Should court martial his ass and let him do some time breaking large rocks into small ones.

Fucking scumbag.


Garnish his wages until he pays us back the money that went into training, housing and feeding him.

I think about $32 million out to cover it. But lets call it 20.


@40 screw it, charge him with something that will cause every civilian employer to run for the door.


You guys are kidding yourself if you think this dude will get a DD. This kindler gentler Army has zero backbone. He will get his VA benefits, keep his signing bonus, get stuck in limbo all while getting paid (and possibly promoted), all while having the pleasure of telling everyone how he beat the Army. Hell I wouldn’t be surprised if his mother doesn’t get an apology for the Mexican-American war in response to her outrageous racist comments on facebook.


IF I were the rear det NCOIC I would have this faggot in MOPP4 and Full Battle rattle dig to standard M240 fighting positions from 0700-1600 Mon-Fri till the unit returns.


@47 odienero would bring you up on charges


DD or BCD for reasons listed by @40Proud Infidel. Add Fraudulent Enlistment for the following in DD FM 1966/2, NOV 2003 Record of Military Processing-Armed Forces of the United States (commonly known as Application for Enlistment)
Section 25. Ability to Perform Military Duties. See below.
a. Are you now or have you ever been a conscientious objector? ( That is, do you have, or have you ever had, a firm, fixed and sincere objection to participation in war in any form or the bearing of arms because of religious belief or training?)
b. Have you ever been discharged by any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States for reasons pertaining to being a conscientious objector?
c. Is there anything which would preclude you from performing military duties or participating in military activities whenever necessary (i.e., do you have any personal restrictions or religious practices which would restrict your availability?)
Answering no on any of these would prevent enlistment. This is sworn to and signed.


#48 Odierno has to pass a APFT and Ht & Wt first