Ermey is trying to say something here

| December 29, 2010

R. Lee Ermey is trying to say something here. I can’t quite figure it out because he can’t be direct for some reason;

Thanks to 1stCavRVN11B for the link.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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I’m going to say something totally asinine here, but it’s how I feel. I don’t care what he sez, because it’s how he sez it! I think he’s GRRRRREAT!!

Old Trooper

If you don’t want a direct answer, don’t ask a Gunny.

Rob in Katy

Time for a show tune, ’cause I love that man!
My hat is off to you, sir! Men like you make me proud everyday of my country!


My god, he’s the right’s Janeane Garofalo, which sucks because I love everything he’s ever done 🙁


Irony… I do miss it from time-to-time, but I got this one!


>My god, he’s the right’s Janeane Garofalo

Buzz-try again. Janeane “hating a black man straight up” Garofalo painted millions of people she didn’t know as racist, because they didn’t share her political philosophy. Ermey went directly after members of the government who MAKE the policy decisions he disagrees with.

Rob in Katy

Really, I don’t think that he made any homosexual comments or has he personally insulted anyone like Garofalo does… No, I think that you have mistaken a man of forthright words and character with a gutter mouth. I think that in itself is quite telling.


That is just some inspiration there…


Sorry, the anon comment was mine, I’m on new computer and forgot to log in.

Ermey is way out of his lane.

Blaming the entire economic climate on the Obama administration and then accusing them of conspiracy to turn the US into a socialist(!) nation is asinine. He’s parroting ridiculous, illogical talking points and use his fame as megaphone. Garofalo.


You nailed it Old Trooper. To NotSoOldMarine from an old retired Gunny; listen to what this administration and many Democrat politicians are saying and see that they want to impose European style Socialism. Also, Ermey looks like he baths everyday unlike Garofalo.



I look everyday, I’m a certified junkie. There are some Democratic politicians who embrace concepts of Democratic Socialism sure but to extend that to a conspiracy to seize the private sector and turn it into a socialist regime isn’t reasonable and it doesn’t hold up to any real scrutiny. I mean the same guy Ermey is accusing of being a covert socialist revolutionary is the guy who bailed out Wall St banks in the largest private sector bailout in the history of the world instead of nationalizing them like many were calling for and then went on to force unions to take huge concessions in order to bailout, buy up and then turn back over the private shareholders GM. He just finished negotiating a free trade agreement with South Korea and has pushed other nations to liberalize their economies by selling off publicly owned assets and curbing public employment.

People who accuse Obama (and Democrats in general) of being socialists either don’t pay heed to the facts or don’t quite understand the semantics behind their charge.


>People who accuse Obama (and Democrats in general) of being socialists either don’t pay heed to the facts or don’t quite understand the semantics behind their charge.

Soft Socialism is still socialism. Obama’s philosophy certainly isn’t capitalism. And in fact, a lot of Obama’s platform comes straight from the Socialist Party USA. Healthcare as a right- check.. secret ballot-check, “right to adequate housing(obama’s work for ACORN) check, redistribution of weath-check. Obama worked for Anneberg which was anti-capitalistic. His whole healthcare plan is European socialism at its best or worst.

The difference between Garafalo and Ermey is that Garafalo used her fame to insult PRIVATE citizens accusing them of racism because they disagreed with her politically. Ermey used his God given right and fame to protest his government which is a legit. form of protest whether you agree with his point of view or not.

Miss Ladybug

I can’t fault Ermey for what he said, I just don’t know that a fundraiser for Toys for Tots in the appropriate venue….



“Soft Socialism”? For real? That’s an incredibly lazy cop out. If you have to attach some sort of diluting qualifier like “soft” to your charge you may want to reexamine the validity of your position. You know what the rest of the world calls “soft socialism”? The Western World. Retirement safety nets, medical care for the elderly, the progressive tax model, food and drug safety regulations, etc.

Not to mention that calling his platform a copy of the Socialist Party USA is simply a lie. Or a gross display of ignorance, not sure which is applicable here. From their support of Israel to the embracing of the market system Obama and the Dems are 180 degrees form a litany of the core positions of the Socialist Party. Healthcare model as European Socalism? Have you ever been to Europe? Do you know a single thing about the NHS or German orhealthcare laws? Better yet do you know anything about how insurance even works? The rest of your stunted accusations are either exaggerated talking points created by professional politicos during campaign season or just simple misreads of history.

As a matter of fact most of what I’ve read from you fall into one of those two categories.


Obama shares the goals of many socialists. His methods are to use the regulating/taxing power of government to facilitate the kinds of economic change he desires. He can rightly be seen as a facilitator of crony capitalism. I prefer to call it fascism. The only reason his methods/goals could be qualified as “soft” anything is because of the enormous amount of opposition he generates from the American Citizen and their concept of what the relationship between citizen and state should be. Ask yourself what Obama’s approach to health insurance “reform” would have been without 60% disapproval. Ask yourself what political party Obama would belong to if he had been born in Europe rather than America. Obama pushes his top down economic model only as far as the limits of the majority of Americans will allow. Considering his blasting at the polls in November one could say people aren’t fooled nor will they be fooled by some feint to the center. I’m not sure I would have blasted Obama at a Toys for Tots event. Then again my balls aren’t made of brass like Ermey.

Old Trooper

re: #11

Tell ya what, NotsoOldMarine; go to the DSA website (that’s Democrat Socialists of America) and look at their membership list. Then come back and tell me there aren’t socialists leading the democrat party, mmmmkay?

The, I want you to deny this: Obama was born to a commie mommie, was raised by commie grandparents, was mentored by a proud commie (Bobo called him very influential in his life), then was trained as a “community organizer” by one of the most notorious commies in the West, Saul Alinsky.

Now; are you sure you want to go down this road of refuting that a lot of democrats are socialist/communist?

Old Trooper

Ok, I wasn’t gonna wait for you to do it, so here’s the list as of late 2009: The Socialist Party of America announced in their October 2009 newsletter that 70 Congressional democrats currently belong to their caucus. This admission was recently posted on American Socialist Voter– Q: How many members of the U.S. Congress are also members of the DSA? A: Seventy Q: How many of the DSA members sit on the Judiciary Committee? A: Eleven: John Conyers [Chairman of the Judiciary Committee], Tammy Baldwin, Jerrold Nadler, Luis Gutierrez, Melvin Watt, Maxine Waters, Hank Johnson, Steve Cohen, Barbara Lee, Robert Wexler, Linda Sanchez [there are 23 Democrats on the Judiciary Committee of which eleven, almost half, are now members of the DSA]. Q: Who are these members of 111th Congress? A: See the listing below Co-Chairs Hon. Raúl M. Grijalva (AZ-07) Hon. Lynn Woolsey (CA-06) Vice Chairs Hon. Diane Watson (CA-33) Hon. Sheila Jackson-Lee (TX-18) Hon. Mazie Hirono (HI-02) Hon. Dennis Kucinich (OH-10) Senate Members Hon. Bernie Sanders (VT) House Members Hon. Neil Abercrombie (HI-01) Hon. Tammy Baldwin (WI-02) Hon. Xavier Becerra (CA-31) Hon. Madeleine Bordallo (GU-AL) Hon. Robert Brady (PA-01) Hon. Corrine Brown (FL-03) Hon. Michael Capuano (MA-08) Hon. André Carson (IN-07) Hon. Donna Christensen (VI-AL) Hon. Yvette Clarke (NY-11) Hon. William “Lacy” Clay (MO-01) Hon. Emanuel Cleaver (MO-05) Hon. Steve Cohen (TN-09) Hon. John Conyers (MI-14) Hon. Elijah Cummings (MD-07) Hon. Danny Davis (IL-07) Hon. Peter DeFazio (OR-04) Hon. Rosa DeLauro (CT-03) Rep. Donna F. Edwards (MD-04) Hon. Keith Ellison (MN-05) Hon. Sam Farr (CA-17) Hon. Chaka Fattah (PA-02) Hon. Bob Filner (CA-51) Hon. Barney Frank (MA-04) Hon. Marcia L. Fudge (OH-11) Hon. Alan Grayson (FL-08) Hon. Luis Gutierrez (IL-04) Hon. John Hall (NY-19) Hon. Phil Hare (IL-17) Hon. Maurice Hinchey (NY-22) Hon. Michael Honda (CA-15) Hon. Jesse Jackson, Jr. (IL-02) Hon. Eddie Bernice Johnson (TX-30) Hon. Hank Johnson (GA-04) Hon. Marcy Kaptur (OH-09) Hon. Carolyn Kilpatrick (MI-13) Hon. Barbara Lee (CA-09) Hon. John Lewis (GA-05) Hon. David Loebsack (IA-02) Hon. Ben R. Lujan (NM-3) Hon. Carolyn Maloney (NY-14) Hon. Ed Markey (MA-07) Hon. Jim McDermott… Read more »


Great article by Jonah Goldberg back in May that can help to clarify what Leftists seek to hide when it comes to the goals of Obama and crew. It won’t convince NotsoOldMarine or his compatriots but it does provide the material and context to refute their lies and/or delusions (take your pick).–15421


“Soft Socialism”? No, fascism would be a more accurate description of our current economic condition imposed on us by the republicrats & demicans. The is colluding with big business to run the country and enacting legislation that destroys small businesses & farms, seems to fit Mussolini’s (former socialist, BTW) M.O. to a ‘T’


‘You know what the rest of the world calls “soft socialism”? The Western World. Retirement safety nets, medical care for the elderly, the progressive tax model, food and drug safety regulations, etc.’

Done E.U.-SSR style, epic fail. Swiss style, that’s a whole different kettle of fish!


R.Lee is right on. OT nice target list. Looks like NotSoOld Marine might be a fellow traveler or at the least a useful idiot.


>The rest of your stunted accusations are either exaggerated talking points created by professional politicos during campaign season or just simple misreads of history.

Marx called socialism the transition from capitalism to communism. Government run healthcare, government takeover of car companies sure seems like a transition AWAY from capitalism. That is history.


Oh and BTW Not so Old trooper Obama was a member in Illinois of the New party (a socialist political party) originally in his political career. I would say he went Dem (main stream) to win major elections. Look up that history!

Old Trooper

Melle: Please don’t associate NotSoOldMarine with me. I’m the sane one 🙂


Geez Old Trooper, this is exactly what I’m talking about with the lies created by professorial politicos in order to scare votes (and money and manpower) their way.

I’ve seen this before, it’s been copied and pasted all over the right wing blogosphere for a couple months now and now it’s here too. Lets look a bit closer at your “membership list” shall we? The purported publisher of this list is the “Socialist Party of America.” Unfortunately there is no such party, it’s fake. The last group to use that name dissolved 40 years ago. Secondly it doesn’t include a statement from anyone on the list, it’s just this (fake) group announcing “these people are with us.” No statement of support, no signatures, no nothing. Lastly you may notice the names ring a bell. That’s because this is actually an exact listing of the Progressive Caucus in the House. Whoops.

This is an internet meme created by a political operative. They’re EVERYWHERE in the blogoshpere. They took the most left wing caucus in the House attached them to a made up organization that used to exist and had a name very similar to actual Socialist parties (like SP USA) and let it fly on the internet. And you bought it, hook line and sinker. Why? Because you WANT to believe it; it simplifies complex issues down to simple political arithmetic.

You can’t believe everything you read on the political echo chambers on the internet.

Old Trooper

Actually, the Socialist Party of America didn’t desolve 40 years ago; it was 37 years ago, here’s the poop on that:

DSA was formed in 1982 by a merger of the Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee (DSOC) and the New American Movement (NAM). DSOC was the largest group to emerge from the splintering of the Socialist Party of America in 1973; two other Socialist Party factions went on to form Social Democrats USA and the Socialist Party USA. NAM was a coalition of writers and intellectuals with roots in both the New Left movements of the 1960s and the more traditional parties of the Old Left.

Initially the DSA consisted of approximately 5,000 ex-DSOC members and 1,000 ex-NAM members. Upon the DSA’s founding, Michael Harrington and socialist-feminist author Barbara Ehrenreich were elected as the organization’s co-chairs.

That’s from that far right website Wikipedia.

Here’s more from that far right site Wikipedia:

Originally DSA, like DSOC before it, was very strongly associated with Michael Harrington’s position that “the left wing of realism is found today in the Democratic Party.” In its early years DSA backed relatively mainstream liberals such as Walter Mondale in spite of the dramatic growth of a left wing associated with Jesse Jackson and the Rainbow Coalition.[4] Subsequently DSA did enthusiastically support Jackson’s second presidential campaign in 1988.[5]

DSA’s position on US electoral politics has since evolved. Its present official position is that “Democratic socialists reject an either-or approach to electoral coalition building, focused solely on a new party or on realignment within the Democratic Party.”[6]

During the 1990s, DSA began looking to the Religious Right’s activism within the Republican Party as a model for how the Left could gain a greater foothold within the Democratic Party, which at the time was dominated by President Bill Clinton’s so-called “New Democrats” of the Democratic Leadership Council.[7] The group gave the Clinton administration an overall rating of C-, “less than satisfactory.”[8]

Now; what part of that doesn’t say democrat party??

Old Trooper

BTW NotSoOldMoron; I like how you use the leftist standard that “it’s a rightwing, blah, blah, blah” bullshit. Admit that you aren’t all that smart and have to go back and get more socialist/communist talking points to try and refute what everyone already knows. I suppose that next you’ll try and say there is no left wing bias in the main stream media?

Keep talking, cuz you’re only digging the hole bigger, dumbass.


>Melle: Please don’t associate NotSoOldMarine with me. I’m the sane one

Realized after I sent that, and there is no edit.. So sorry.. ;(


my kingdom for some speakers…..

Old Trooper

Here’s some more for you to refute:

In 2008, the DSA critically supported[clarification needed][citation needed] Barack Obama in his race against Republican John McCain. Following Obama’s election, many on the right[14], began to allege that the policies of his administration may be “socialistic,” a claim rejected by DSA and the Obama administration alike. The widespread use of the word “socialism” as a political epithet against the Obama government by its opponents did lead to widespread media attention towards American socialist organizations, however.[citation needed] It caused National Director Frank Llewellyn to declare that “over the past 12 months, the Democratic Socialists of America has received more media attention than it has over the past 12 years.”[15]

Gosh, maybe there is something to democrats being part of the socialist/communist thingy?

BTW You haven’t refuted that Bobo’s mommie was a commie, that the grandparents that raised him were commies, that he was mentored by a commie and that he was trained by a commie.

So; when are ya gonna try to wiggle out of that?

Old Trooper

No problem, Melle; I was just giving you a little crap 🙂


Old Trooper,

Haha, okay, 37 years ago. Sorry. Regardless, my point was your smoking gun is a hoax.

This wikipedia regurgitation is a reflection of exactly what I said in my second post in this thread. There are Democrats and people who, for political expediency, identify with Dems that embrace Democratic Socialist concepts. Thats not a secret. As a matter of fact Sen. Bernie Sanders, while an independent, caucuses with Dems and is a full blown out of the closet Democratic Socialist. Both parties are huge tents that attract undesirable hangers-on to their fringes. The Dems get revolutionary pinko douche bags and the Republicans get violent racists and militia types. To paint that picture across both parties (a la Garofalo) isn’t reasonable or fair.



I thought I was having a conversation with adults. My mistake. You know what? I was going to link you out to the ambiguity surrounding his parents political affiliation and point out that to judge the man because his dad had far left political connections (in the figgin’ 60’s!) is shallow. I mean if you can’t find any empirical facts about him try the guilt by association card right? I mean Garofalo grew up in a right-wing Catholic household. She’s a right wing double agent!!! Or point out that the list of actual former communists include David Horowitz and Christopher Hitchens but if you’d rather just call me names and copy and paste the latest propaganda from your favorite trash blog then nevermind.

Old Trooper

You mean violent racists like the New Black Panther Party? I don’t remember seeing any of them at any republican fundraiser. I don’t know what militias have to do with anything, other than wanting to have a government that abides by the Constitution. What I have seen is ideology that wants to transform this country into those shining examples of socialism like Europe, which is funny, because if the socialists were paying attention, they would have realized that that ship is sinking. As Maggie Thatcher pointed out “the problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other peoples money”. That’s the reality of the current situation in Europe.

You can’t deny that the democrat party is home to a lot of socialists/communists including the current leader of the party, who just happens to be the President. If you look at the platform and goals of the CPUSA and the Democrat Party and place them side by side, you will see they are nearly identical, not completely identical, but enough to make it obvious enough for even Stevie Wonder to see.

BTW CPUSA stands for Comunist Party USA, in case you were wondering.

Old Trooper

Re; #34

The 60’s? Really? You’re going with the defense of the 60’s? So, an adult Obama writes in his book that his mentor growing up was a well known and proud commie (whom he said shaped his ideology) and he was trained, as an adult, in community organizing by none other than Saul Alinsky (commie), but that doesn’t count? So, we use Gawdawfulo as the example? You might as well have used the Bigfoot defense. Have you noticed that Gawdawfulo has pretty much publicly denounced everything her parents stand for? I haven’t heard Bobo do that; have you?


Old Trooper:
Always enjoy reading your rebuttals to the foolish.

My gut instinct tells me that you are not in a line unit. If so, the rest of your unit probably treats you like we treated the 10% of shitbirds we had. Also, in the old days most Democrat politicians were pro-military, anti-communist/socialists and thought this was the greatest country. There are not alot of Democrat politicians like that today.

Old Trooper

Let us not forget his association, as an adult, with Bill Ayres. They weren’t “just neighbors” as Bobo tried to tell us during the campaign, either. Bobo got his political start in Bill’s living room and was the hand picked successor to fill the state house seat being vacated by another member of their little commie party gathering.

The argument that he can’t be guilty by association is a false flag. Everyone gravitates to associate with those they share ideology with, with those that share common interests i.e. sports, cars, types of music, etc. Relatives are different, for obvious reasons. In my case, most of my relatives (in-laws mostly) are on the opposite spectrum, politically, than I am and it makes for some rather interesting exchanges at times. That doesn’t change the fact that I associate a majority of the time with like minded individuals, same as anyone else. Obama is no different and it is proven over and over again. Saying that Garofalo’s parents are conservative means nothing in that she is rebelling in her adult life away from her parents (big surprise there, no kid has ever rebelled against their parents), but that doesn’t mean that Obama did; correct?

If you want to see where the socialist/communist types hang there hat politically, all you have to do is look at the DNC convention in 2012.


>Also, in the old days most Democrat politicians were pro-military, anti-communist/socialists and thought this was the greatest country. There are not alot of Democrat politicians like that today.

I always wonder how ANY military member can be a liberal, but then I forget some of them are young don’t have service under Clinton years(or another liberal president) to compare to. I don’t understand how you can buy into a party that thinks we are all poor, uneducated misfits.



About post #37:

I’m not into vulgarity for the sake of shock value but you can straight go fuck yourself. You don’t know me and I don’t appreciate the insinuation that I “probably” wasn’t in a “line unit” and therefor not only in less a position to have this discussion but that my time in (I’m out now) was somehow worth less than yours. I also don’t appreciate that because my politics don’t jive with yours you think I was some sort of shitbird. Seriously, go fuck yourself.

Old Trooper

NotSoOldMarine: I guess that’s where we differ, I’m kinda a vulgar language using type of guy. I’m not proud of it, just stating a reality. It’s like Patton said “give it to ’em dirty, that way they remember it”. I’m old enough now to be considered “gruff” in some circles, because my life experiences have shown me a lot and I’m growing increasingly impatient with certain things or subjects. I know a lot of what I do from trial and error and just plain old experience. I don’t have time for “nuance” like John F-ing Kerry and I brook no bullshit from those that think they’re intellectually superior, just because they read from a book. None of that is aimed at you, but more a general statement.


Old Trooper I suspect we differ in a lot of ways other than how and when we employ vulgarities 🙂

Not to say that I don’t curse but I’ve retooled my vocabulary since my daughter was born.

Michael in MI

Let us not forget his association, as an adult, with Bill Ayres. They weren’t “just neighbors” as Bobo tried to tell us during the campaign, either. Bobo got his political start in Bill’s living room and was the hand picked successor to fill the state house seat being vacated by another member of their little commie party gathering.

Not just an “association” with Billy Ayers, but he worked directly with him on the Chicago Annenberg Challenge. Ayers put Obama in charge of the funding of the program to indoctrinate all the kiddies in the Chicago Public School system with Communist crap.

More on Obama’s associates HERE.


Musta struck a nerve eh? I only say that because your reaction to the verbal abuse is illogically vehement.
Let’s see, you’ve used, ‘asinine’ (#9), ‘incredibly lazy cop out(#14)’, ‘gross display of ignorance’ (#14), and displayed a condescending manner in presenting your case that shows a total lack of respect that’s no more ‘mature’ than the responses you’ve received. My advice? Grow up. At the very least bring your big boy pants when you decide to wade into a discussion like this on a forum like this. You obviously didn’t do much reading or research about this site before opening your mouth or you would have realized that what you were subjected to is what passes for civil discourse here. And if you think you’re going to change anyone’s stated opinion on the subject of this thread, you’re literally delusional. If you didn’t think you were going to change anyone’s mind I fail to see what the purpose of your posts were other than to rattle the cage, and if you get bit or scratched while rattling said cage you certainly have no reasonable platform from which to whine about your treatment.



If an argument is lazy, illogical, ignorant or just structured around conspiracy than I’ll say so. You show up with half baked conspiracy theories and links to propaganda blogs and I’m not going to coddle that.

What I didn’t do is resort to juvenile behavior like calling someone NotSoOldMoron. That’s childish and I’ll call you out on that too. I also never challenged the character or service of anyone here. Why? Because I don’t know anyone here. I’ve had a lot of good friends who I think the world of whose politics are the complete opposite of mine. Doesn’t mean I challenge their personal integrity or service.

As for this place, I’ve been coming here since before I got out and that was almost 3 years ago. I’ve also seen the general tone of this place change over that time. Maybe it just has to do with the general political climate of the country, I don’t know. I don’t harbor any illusions that I’m going to fire off a few comments and have people going “My god, he’s totally right. I have to run out to the driveway and rip all my bumper stickers off.” I’m not stupid. Still, my personal ethics compel me to say something when I see what I view as an untruth, particularly when it’s manufactured to advance an agenda.


Well good on you. No offense taken to the “Go Fuck Yourself” since maybe the term used should have been naive instead of shitbird. Not serving in a line unit, does diminish your service or right to espouse whatever you wish to. However, having served in a line unit in combat during Desert Storm and serving in a staff position in OIF after recall from retirement there is a difference in mindsets between many in those vastly different groups. Semper Gumby and hopefully as you age will see that being center-right is better than center-left.

Old Trooper

YatYas; I’m not center-right!! I’ve been told that I’m a card carrying right-wing extremist by none other than Janet Incompetano, no less!


>Let’s see, you’ve used, ‘asinine’ (#9), ‘incredibly lazy cop out(#14)’, ‘gross display of ignorance’ (#14), and displayed a condescending manner in presenting your case

Yep, he was pretty insulting to me, but I didn’t cry about it(and I’m a girrrrrl). Nature of the debate sometimes. Incidentally I’d rather be called a shitbag or the girl equivalent “a bitch” than stupid.

Old Trooper

Melle; you’re a girrrrl?? Jeezus H. Cripes!!! Who the fuck let a girrrrl in here!?!? Sonavabich! Now I’m gonna have to behave myself and watch my language!!!

Oh shit; sorry about the language.


@ YatYas– You talk about becoming more right as you age. Wasn’t it Churchill that said:”If you’re not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you’re not a conservative at forty you have no brain.”

@ NotsooldMarine, your asinine, incredible lazy cop out etc. comments were directed at me. I did not use conspiracy theories. I used hard facts based on Obama’s political positions. Facts that you have yet to refute including Obama’s work at Annenberg or his years with the “New Party.”


>Melle; you’re a girrrrl?? Jeezus H. Cripes!!! Who the fuck let a girrrrl in here!?!? Sonavabich! Now I’m gonna have to behave myself and watch my language!!!
Oh shit; sorry about the language.

LOL- I grew up around my blue collar father who thought the fuck was an adjective, noun, and a verb. I have also been a military wife for 19 years. Swear to your heart’s content. Takes a hell of alot to offend me!