Biden official on Donald Trump: ‘Let’s extinguish him for good’

| September 27, 2024 | 9 Comments

Gina Raimondo, Secretary of Commerce, was on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” Raimondo accused Donald Trump of presenting “another lie.” During her interaction with the hosts, Raimondo also said, “Let’s extinguish him for good.” She went on to describe Kamala Harris as a “remarkably talented candidate” who is “sincere”, “pragmatic”, and who’s “open”. Mika Brzezinski gave Raimondo an “out”, as Brzezinski understood how her statement about Trump could be taken. It turned out that Raimondo meant to defeat Donald Trump at the polls, with the implication that his defeat would be big enough to discourage him from running again.

From Townhall:

The remarks came while the secretary and former governor of Rhode Island was on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” As she was complaining about what she claimed was “another lie” from Trump, asking “like, how did we get here?” Gesturing for emphasis, Raimondo insisted, “Let’s extinguish [Trump] for good,” going on to claim Vice President Kamala Harris was an “answer” as a “remarkably talented candidate,” who is supposedly “sincere, who is pragmatic, who is open, let’s just get it done.”

In response to such a startling remark from Raimondo, co-host Mika Brzezinski sought clarification to make clear that her guest “meant vote him out,” who chirped with a “yes, absolutely, vote him out, banish him from American politics, yes, just vote him out so he goes away because he’s–it’s just not where America… let’s turn the page,” as she continued to rant about Trump.

In addition to the Trump War Room putting out a clip of such remarks, the Trump-Vance Rapid Response sent out an email about Raimondo’s remarks.

Last Monday, following the second assassination attempt against Trump, the Trump-Vance campaign also released an exhaustive list calling out numerous other top Democrats as well as their allies in the mainstream media. That list also highlighted how “the deplorable commentary from Democrats and the Fake News in the aftermath of the latest assassination attempt has been even worse.”

Additional Reading:

Downs, R. (2024, September 25). Biden-Harris commerce secretary: Let’s ‘extinguish’ Trump ‘for good’. Townhall. Link.


Category: 2024 Election, Donald Trump, Media

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Hey, let’s award this lady for her astute observations.
I think she needs a bonus, Recognition and a free vacation.
And by that I mean an extended stay at Gitmo.
And by extended, I mean, semi permanent until she becomes aquatic, alfresco nutrition supplement.
One can dream, Can’t we.?


I mean if we and I use that term loosely we, Are so horrible and such a threat to everything, I say those people that are so inclined should get free relocations courtesy of of the United States government.
Remember what that congressman said about Guam, Well, I say we should endanger Cuba since it is everything that they want to be in their visualized Utopia, Make it end of tipping over by giving everybody of that ilk and you know what I mean, a free ride.
And for that matter, anybody that supports anything having to do with the Middle East can therefore also get a free rapid relocation to that area, HANO.
See how Easy that was, we could spend billions and billions of dollars getting this done and not giving it to other people and we could just purge this fucking country and make it sweet and agreeable and practically Disney without all the pedophilia.


You know you are in a great “democracy” when you try to “eliminate” your political opponents so the serfs have no alternatives to vote.


“Raimondo meant to defeat Donald Trump at the polls”

So now she wants to beat him to death with poles.
She is one sick woman.

Old tanker

There simply is no limit to the hatred and fear the dems have for Trump, or anyone else who dares to criticize or stop their plans.


I kinda sometimes wish he was all the left claims he is…

They seriously believe his first term was just time he used for getting cozy and feeling things out — that his plan all along was to wait it out and aim for a second term before unleashing the full wrath of his fury upon us.

Comical. Absolutely comical.

Kamala’s gonna bury this country.

Hack Stone

If Donald Trump could suspend our civil liberties, execute his political opponents, launch unprovoked wars against other nations and leave the toilet seat up, couldn’t any other person sitting in the Oval Office do the same?


And the irony is that they loved him…until he ran for Prez.

Last edited 1 hour ago by 5JC