Weekend Open Thread

| June 28, 2024

Is cereal considered soup? Alexa occasionally provides prompting on what questions a person could ask it. One such prompting was a question, “Is cereal considered soup?” I played along and asked Alexa that question. The response came back that soup was a liquid dish that contained meat, fish, vegetables, individually or collectively and cooked. Cereal was a different category. Enjoy your weekend.

Category: Open thread

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A WINNER IS ME. I will be a merciless dictator.

Last edited 3 months ago by BennSue

Apparently so.

Hack Stone

Hack Stone has it on good authority that you confided in Phil Monkress that the regular commenters of This Ain’t Hell are suckers and losers.

RGR 4-78

New blood, you did good.


Cong Rats at’cha BennSue.


Wow, goddamn Benn that’s the first time in a long. I hope you put that crown on and sit and spin in that throne and tear the shit up out of this place you enjoy it you’ve earned it!! 😂🖕😘

Hack Stone

An hour early? Sounds like WOT interference.


Wait what? Is it the time change?

Hack Stone

The Deplorables who run this page finally adjusted their watches for Daylight Saving Time. Hack Stone just finds it easier to move to the Midwest until Fall.

Hack Stone

Hack had his standard WOT cut & paste comment. No sense in letting it go to waste.

Hack Stone just spent the last seven days locked in a hangar at Camp David undergoing intensive training in order to capture the highly coveted and rarely awarded title of First Comment for the This Ain’t Hell Weekend Open Thread. Will he beat out his unworthy opponents, who are all rustlers, cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, shit-kickers and Methodists?

Magic 8-Ball says… Not even close.


You left out undesirables.


Joe Biden when he found out Hack didn’t get First.

Hack Stone

Dat’s a good one.

Hack Stone

When BennSue gets dethroned next week, does he (she?) promise to respect the results of the WOT timestamp and relinquish power?


It’s He (my name and Wife’s name together) and if it’s a fair and honest contest, I will step aside.

Hack Stone

Can you carry your own golf clubs?

Hack enjoyed the return of the Thursday Must See TV. Joe Biden doubts that Donald Trump cannot carry his own golf clubs. If you recall last summer, a beach chair kicked Joe Biden’s ass. No joke.

A Proud Infidel®™

Not to mention the bicycle that kicked Joe Biden’s ass, ditto the stairs to Air Force one.

Hack Stone

Stairs are racist.


And bicycles too. Gotta include those as well.


“…fair and honest contest…” Bwaaahahahahahahahahaha..’bout as fair and honest as the 2020 (s)election.

Nothing at all fair and honest about the fight for the Coveted EARNED NEVER AWARDED TAH Friday Weekend Open Thread FIRST. It is bare knuckled, no holds barred, fight to the finish, using every trick in the book, up to and including…massive F5/refresh key stroking, browser history clearing, cut ‘n pasting cntrl c/v, having your inherweb service provider recondition service pairs all the way back to the CO, using Company high speed low drag fiber fed main frame ‘putors. Some are even reputed to have placed malware from outdated overpriced Red Hated Soft Wear in the system to get an edge. There are even rumors of a Vast Chicken Wing Conspiracy afoot.

Cong Rats to you, Good Sir on being at the right place at the right time. And since it was a random time (from the usual) maybe thebesig is planning to do a Random Open Thread (ROT), a Mid-week Open Thread (MOT), to go along with the upcoming Holiday Open Thread, (HOT) just before the next Weekend Open Thread (WOT) next week, giving you an opportunity to score an Ace 5 in a row FIRSTs with a WOT, ROT, MOT, HOT, WOT. May the odds be ever in your favor. The Gun Bunny sends…


Dammit Gun Bunny, you forgot our skilled Public Service Professionals at TAH/VG WWWHQ and the well-established grievance process.


Helen Waite is hell on heels.


“If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck.”

Commissioner Wretched

Whoa … this is a VERY early drop! Okay, BennSue, I turn the crown, scepter and orb over to you.


Thank you! I shall guard them with honor.


I’d get a reciept seeing as this is a bit unusual.
Not accusing anyone of malfeasance but I’d get a reciept.


I have a discount coupon for Sizzler I’ll hand over to show my good intentions.

Commissioner Wretched

Sitting here rather shocked about the early drop of the WOT, thus spoiling my chance for a three-peat … I will not pout, cry or complain. I’ll just leave my trivia column here, and … well … darn. 🙂

Did two actors, who played the same role in a movie and the television series derived from it, die one day apart?
By Commissioner Wretched
Copyright © 2024

And it’s summer!

Long days, short nights, warm, sunshine, occasional rain … ah, summer, my second-favorite time of year. (Spring, as regular readers know, is my all-time favorite.)

Enjoy the summer while you have it, my friends. Get outdoors, get into the fresh air, run and jump and play, and … whew, I made myself exhausted just saying that.

Seriously, have some fun this summer, but remember to always come back to this space for your weekly trivia. In fact, there’s a new delivery just arrived for you!

Did you know …

… McDonald’s once tried to sell bubble gum-flavored broccoli? In an obviously misguided attempt to get kids to eat healthier foods, the restaurant chain introduced broccoli flavored with bubble gum into their popular Happy Meals in the early 2000s. To their credit, McDonald’s was trying to find something kids might like to replace French fries, and in 2011 they hit paydirt with apple slices. But prior to that, the chain tried other fruits and vegetables, hitting a low point – both in sales and in taste – with bubble gum flavored broccoli. That stuff sank faster than the Titanic. (Yuck!)

Commissioner Wretched

… no Major League Baseball team has played no-hitters in two consecutive games? The closest the feat has come to reality happened on May 5 & 6, 1917. On May 5, Ernie Koob (1892-1941) pitched a no-hitter for the St. Louis Browns against the Chicago White Sox. May 6 featured a doubleheader, and while the first game wasn’t a no-hitter (though the Browns did win), the second was. Bob Groom (1884-1948) tossed a no-no for the Browns against the White Sox in the second game of the day. Back-to-back days is the closest MLB has come yet to no-hitters by the same team in consecutive games. (Back when baseball was a game, don’t you know.)

… the law in Tulsa, Oklahoma, makes it illegal to open a soda bottle without the supervision of a licensed engineer? (I know it can be complicated, but come on!)

… the closest thing to a “clean sweep” in a presidential election since the 18th Century took place in 1984? Running for his second term as 40th President, Ronald Reagan (1911-2004) took 49 out of 50 states in that election, losing only the state of Minnesota to his opponent, former Vice President Walter Mondale (1928-2021). Reagan almost took Mondale’s home state as well – he lost it by less than 4,000 votes. The first two presidential elections, in 1789 and 1792, were in essence clean sweeps, but only because one candidate was running – George Washington (1732-1799).

A Proud Infidel®™

I still enjoy watching the newscasts of the 1984 election results, the news mouths were almost in tears!

Commissioner Wretched

… two actors who played the same role in a movie and television series died one day apart? In the 1970 film M*A*S*H, the role of Lt. Col. Henry Blake was played by actor Roger Bowen (1932-1996). Bowen portrayed Blake as a rather befuddled administrator who did not do much surgery himself, much in keeping with the way the character was presented in the original 1968 novel. In 1972, the film was adapted as a television series, and actor McLean Stevenson (1927-1996) assumed the role of Blake for the show’s first three seasons. Stevenson’s portrayal was not like Bowen’s, and his Blake was a skilled surgeon and a friend of the show’s main characters. Stevenson died of a heart attack on February 15, 1996, while hospitalized and recovering from surgery. In an astonishing coincidence, the following day, February 16, Bowen died of a heart attack while on vacation in Florida. Additional trivia note: Stevenson’s departure from the series was based on his desire to star, rather than be part of an ensemble. He was replaced by one of his best friends, Harry Morgan (1915-2011). Stevenson went on to star in four comedy series, all of which flopped and all of which lived and died while M*A*S*H was still on the air. (Hence, the “McLean Stevenson Effect” on an actor’s career was created.)

… drinking two glasses of wine has a rather odd effect on your body? You get the same effect as if you’d stayed awake for seventeen hours. (Of course, you could just stay awake that long and not worry about the cost of the wine.)

… your eyes get a lot of exercise? If you want your legs, for example, to get the same amount of exercise your eyes get every day, you would have to walk about 49.7 miles. (Now that’s just silly. How would you get back home?)

Last edited 3 months ago by Commissioner Wretched

Hmm. Had always heard that pissing off the showrunners so much that they not only wrote you out, but killed your character off so you couldn’t come back was being MacLean Stevensoned.

Hack Stone

Maclean Stevenson and Wayne Rogers did not enjoy the show being focused on Alan Alda. When it is an ensemble cast, you would expect that participation would be a bit more equitable.

As to (see what Hack Stone did there?) Wayne Rogers, he never actually signed a contract with the producers, so after a few seasons of being Alan Alda’s shadow, he said “Eff it” and left the series.

There have been a few Facebook posts regarding Gary Burghoff, and most of the cast did not get along with him, if you could believe what is on Facebook. Another piece of trivia is the Gary Burghoff Fan Club, commonly referred to as… Radar Love. 🤪


Of all the characters who left that show, I missed Spearchucker Jones the most.

Commissioner Wretched

… oak trees produce about 2,200 acorns each season? So that would lead you to wonder why there aren’t gazillions of oak trees everywhere. The answer, of course, is that most of the acorns end up as food for squirrels and other animals. Only 1 in 10,000 acorns will become an oak tree. (But that one more than makes up for it.)

… your favorite orchestra probably does not have an octobass? An octobass, for those who aren’t aware, is a stringed instrument similar to a bass viol that stands almost twelve feet tall. Invented in 1850 by French violin maker Jean-Baptiste Vuillaume (1798-1875), the octobass can produce notes that are so low they fall below the range of human hearing. (I thought octobass was the name of a villain in Batman or something. I’ll bet that musical octobass is a son-of-a-gun to play.)

… retailers use smells to help you spend more money at Christmas? For instance, if you detect the aroma of roasting chestnuts in a store, your salivary glands will be stimulated, and you’ll feel more hungry. Hungry shoppers will buy anything, not just food, so the retailers will use food aromas to help you spend more.

… a species of bear has fur on its paws? Most bears have bare (bear?) feet, but polar bears have a layer of fur on the bottom of their paws and between the toes. Bears lose much of their body heat through their paws, and the fur protects polar bears from losing too much of their body warmth. (They can bear-ly handle the cold as it is.)

Now … you know!

Last edited 3 months ago by Commissioner Wretched
Hack Stone

Do environmentalists throw red paint on polar bears for wearing fur?


“if you detect the aroma of roasting chestnuts in a store”

Pull the fire alarm and get the hell out.
Women and children first.
Them, those and unenrolled next.

Hack Stone

If Jamaal Bowman is in that store, you know that fire alarm is going to be pulled.


Didn’t Jamaal Bowman just get handed his walking papers? Ironic that he was defeated by someone of the Jewish persuasion. Jamaal’s tears are tasty.


We still have polar bears?
How truly inconvenient.


“Trees” with cheese…steamed in a garlic butter sauce…chew on that! Been decades since I ate at a Mickey Dees.

I know baseball is your sport, CW, but I wrote them off during the strike of the 90s. Under worked, overpaid, whiny bitches, IMHO. Same with the National Felon League. The woke BS didn’t help neither’s case.

Engineers on trains drink Co-Cola. Army engineers just drink.

Ronnie should have made a clean sweep of the DC Sewer. We, The People would’ve supported him 100%. Wouldn’t have the mess we have now.

Loved the book, the movie was OK (cue Hot Lips Shower Scene), the TV show lost me when it became The All Alan All da time, tho the Nurse Bakers and Ginger were hot.

Keep your eyes on the wine bottle or you won’t get 2 glasses.

J Reb made a coffee substitute out of acorns and put the squirrels in a stew pot.

If a bass played the bass would he have to be on a stringer?

The Lady Shoppers could bearly keep their paws off me when I was demonstrating the Bread Bakers and Hot Air Cookers at various retailers. Some were interested enough in my products they would let me remove some fur with the line of Ladies’ Razors I also had on display in the booth. GOOD TIMES!

Another fine job on the trivia, CW, Many Thanks. BTW…let the Fresh Fish have the FIRST. DO NOT file a complaint with the TAH/VG Grievance Dprt. Trust me, Helen Waite will be in no way as receptive to your charms as Lois is.


Hey! Army Engineers don’t “just drink.”

On occasion, we break stuff, too.


One huge matter of trivia that you clearly need to learn, Sir, is that Autumn is the best season:

The Feast of Crispin Crispian (so many great battles), Halloween, the trading in of tequila for rum and whisky, the pike truly start running, hunting season (save me a backstrap), the World Series (and the long-overdue death of baseball), football, the changing of the leaves and the tapping of maple trees for sap, that first snowfall, new college girls, sitting around the campfire with… vintage college girls, hockey season starts….

I spit on your Spring! ptew to you, Spring!

Commissioner Wretched

Don’t mince words … what do you really think? 😀


Well, this WOT is a Summer Surprise!

Present and unaccountable as usual.

The cardiologist appointment today did not go as hoped. Briefly – my pulse rate is too low at some times of the day, there are ‘odd’ moments in the monitor’s records, and the lower part of the heart is not acting normal.
No afib, at least.
He doesn’t know for sure what is going on.
Follow up tests in 2 weeks (stress & echo + a sleep study).

Regardless, Mrs. GB & 4 of the grands are heading out this weekend for a mission trip to help a church with its building program. The team we go with is a good one, we’ll have a lot of fun.

God bless you all.


Happy Friday GB and don’t sweat the low heart rate too much.
Mine is normal at 49 and been that way for decades.
Probably agent orange related.
Enjoy the weekend.


Open Thread!

Well, it’s 98 degrees outside. How about some Canned Heat?

A Proud Infidel®™

Aahh, thirtysomething and I award myself another Honorary First.


Epstein did not kill himself.
The “Alphabet Agencies” are nobody’s friend.
The FBI continues to be the DNC’s KGB.


Have a doughtnut and STFU, fatboy!
comment image

Hack Stone

His twin brother won the Democrat primary for the 7th Congressional District. His platform was supporting abortion, standing up to “book banners”, and standing up to Donald Trump. Apparently he sacrificed his career standing up to Donald Trumps corruption. Apparently he has no problem Joe Biden’s corruption.


I wonder how much zelinski donated to the cause.


Always okay when Democrsts do it.

Hack Stone

He was channeling John Kerry, who vividly recalled Dichard Nixon sending him to Cambodia on Christmas Eve 1968, despite him not assuming the office of POTUS for another 27 days. And let’s not forget Glenn Youngkin, slammed by critics when tens of thousands of motorists being stranded on I-95 during severe weather, when Ralph KKK Northam was still the Governor of Virginia.



Technically he is correct. The war began in 2014 under Obama with poorly disguised Russian forces participating in the fighting. They signed a peace agreement in Minsk in 2015. However it was never really enforced. US involvement at the time was minimal.

After that it sort of became a Northern Ireland type of thing for 6 years. Eventually, Biden was placed in office, and the day after he assumed it, Putin began a massive build up of forces culminating in an invasion a year later. More than 98% of the combat death took place under Biden’s watch.

Trump didn’t do anything about the war in the Ukraine during his time in office because he didn’t want to do anything and he didn’t need to do anything. There really wasn’t anything to do.


Cereal isn’t soup. But sometimes, soup can be a sandwich.


We wuz dis-cussin’ the possibility of using a lever gun on these pages a few days ago.

I’m now wondering if Sheriff Jim is lurking around:



I know these sites are not the best of news organizations but this election season will may or may not bring out the best candidates. This VA senate candidates an interesting one:




There’s a Circle K Valero station about six miles from where I live. They cater to a wide culture of customers and caught my attention when selling 24 oz Heineken for $3 a can.

This evening I was not inclined to cruise all the way to Walmart for beer and decided in favor of getting a couple of BIG cans of Heineken…

They were sold out of Heineken, dammit-to-hell. OTOH, they did have New Belgium VooDoo IPA in various configurations along with the regular array of alcoholic solutions.

I wanted some beer but none of the regular array of solutions so I “took a flyer” on one of the New Belgian hopped up varieties.

It was delicious but LOADED with ETOH. I had no idea how potent the stuff was until drinking one.

NINE percent alcohol.

It went down “like honeydew vine water” and I enjoyed every last drop of it. Glad I didn’t see “the bear” or turn into God’s Own Drunk but I will keep this potion as an option (see what I did there?) if some reason or situation comes along.

Gonna sleep well tonight in deep South Texas.


“24 oz Heineken for $3 a can”

Not a fan of the 24 oz. varieties. I can shoot a 12 oz. in one
pull after mowing the lawn but after that I need to sit down.

Major Tuddy

Are we still calling Trump “The Donald”?

Seems to have been a minute.


He’s generally referred to as “President Trump” these days.


His second term is going to be awesome.