Daily FGS

| June 27, 2024

H&R Self -Loading Pistol

Man shot and killed at Kenosha apartment, tenant faces no charges
Kenosha police, district attorney say the tenant had a right to self-defense

Maria Grenyo
A Kenosha apartment resident who shot and killed someone who burgled his home will not face charges, according to Kenosha police and the Kenosha County District Attorney’s Office.

According to police, Izerion Cooper, 24, and Dieonte Lee, 20, committed a burglary at the Wood Creek apartments near 15th Street and 30th Avenue on Friday, June 21. Police said the two stole a gun from the apartment. Later, around 4:25 a.m., Cooper realized he had forgotten some of his belongings at the apartment and went back to get them.

When Cooper returned, the apartment was back home at the residence. Cooper and the tenant got into a physical fight. Police said Cooper was armed during the fight.

According to the Kenosha County District Attorney’s Office and the Kenosha Police Department, the apartment tenant was within his right of self-defense when he shot and killed Cooper. At this time, no homicide-related charges will be referred or filed.

Police found and arrested Dieontre Lee, who they said was part of the original burglary. Lee is charged with burglary using a dangerous weapon and theft of a firearm.

1 / 1 / 0

Claw, please pick up the red courtesy phone. Thanks again Gun Bunny.

I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them. I am free because I know that I alone am morally responsible for everything I do.
Robert A. Heinlein

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Yes. Claw, I hope you’ve been doing proper PMCS on the Whiz Wheel.
These two sound like real losers.
Burgle an apartment, and then have to go back because you forget something personal? (double face palm)

What’s with Kenosha? First Kyle Rittenhouse, now these two geniuses.
Must be something in the water.

The “reporter” of this story needs to have her knuckles rapped over the third paragraph. (Sister Mary looks for her heavy wooden ruler)

Yep…to all. Another possible twofer Thread…FGS and SPoTW. Reporting of late is almost as fugly as today’s gun pr0n. “…the apartment was back home at the residence…” Henry Grady…weeps. Kyle’s three (3) shots did the job…unlike Fauci’s.

Not only morally responsible, but personally responsible. Too bad that those lessons are no longer taught.


For the NSN Mafia.
My son wanted a watch with hands, so off to the footlocker collection in the garage. A new battery and running. I have a case of them that my Armory was throwing away because of the dead batteries (2010). EBAY $300/$500.


Just so y’all know, there’s “no evidence” a whole bunch of illegal aliens smuggled into the U.S. by an ISIS-affiliated network are up to no good:

Last edited 3 months ago by Anonymous

LtCol Tanner may have a differing opinion:


The Whiz Wheel­­®™ has to do a little Googling to flush out the full names, so here’s the scores:

Izerion Zavere Cooper (BLDAM/DRT) 44 x 5 = 220

Dieonte Antonio Lee, Junior (DAM) 24 x4 = 96

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

TY Claw.
now time to do a full on Depot level breakdown and maintenance of The Whiz Wheel. I can see smoke starting to rise from the axle bearings.


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