Change of pace

| June 28, 2024

Well, been picking on the Biden folks pretty hard lately. Lest anyone think there is any bias from my end – I heartily dislike ALL of ’em – let’s go look at some Orange-spew for the day.

“What I want to do, and what I will do, is you graduate from a college, I think you should get automatically, as part of your diploma, a green card to be able to stay in this country,” the presumptive GOP nominee said on “The All-In Podcast,” which aired Thursday.

He continued, “And that includes junior colleges too. Anybody graduates from a college — you go in there for two years or four years. If you graduate, or you get a doctorate degree from a college, you should be able to stay in this country.”

Big difference between a junior college degree and a doctorate, for one. But looking at college campuses in the last few years, and particularly the pro-Hamas demonstrations, encampments, and occupations of this last academic year – he wants to REWARD the foreigners of that lot with a green card? Has he lost his freakin’ mind?

Trump campaign spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt said that graduates would be screened “to exclude all communists, radical Islamists, Hamas supporters, America haters and public charges.”

Sounds to me like she’s covering ass faster than a White House Press secretary. Have to wonder – given our current college campuses, by the time you screen all of them out – who’s left?

Trump on the podcast complained that some foreign graduates of top US colleges cannot start companies in the US and instead found their companies in other countries like India or China.

“You need a pool of people to work for your companies and they have to be smart people. … You need brilliant people and we force the brilliant people, the people that graduate from college, the people that are number one in their class from the best colleges. You have to be able to recruit these people and keep the people,” the former president said.

Trump’s remarks are at odds with his efforts to limit immigration when he was in the White House, including targeting visa programs that tech companies use to bring in thousands of skilled workers and directing federal agencies to employ what he called a “Buy American, Hire American” strategy to promote the hiring of American workers.  CNN

I’m filing this with Biden wanting to allow in-country filing for spouses of American citizens and DREAMer kids. Election year pandering to a fringe electorate.

Category: 2024 Election, Trump!

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George V

My first reaction to the idea of green cards for foreigners who graduate from US colleges is that it should be limited to certain degrees – engineering or hard science like chemistry or physics.


And I would add, if attendance was at a community college, a 2-year degree in the trades.


My son got his A&P license about 5 years ago at a community College, and is presently making a wage of 6 figures as a base salary, not including OT. No student debt.


That was the original idea. Trump’s complaint originally was that in order for somebody who was just educated at a high-end American college to start a business in the United States they have to be a citizen. And so people were being educated here and then going back to their own country, which is the intent of most ivy League schools.

The two-year college thing came along because we need more workers that are skilled. As a number of posters have pointed out here, there is good money to be had in the skilled trades. Welders, electricians, plumbers etc all make very good money. And yet these kids want to go and get a liberal arts degree so they can sit in front of a desk monitor and get some screen time in before lunch. However, not very many foreigners go to two year schools and the impact would be low.


“Welders, electricians, plumbers”

Masonry. I worked as a mason’s tender in my college days.
It was good money but he was making the big bucks with a
skill handed down without formal schooling.
I you got a particular skill then make it pay.

Hack Stone

Do you think that an Asian Tiger Mother would let her kid waste four years in college getting a degree in something other than medicine, law or engineering?


This isn’t happening. He’s trying to push an appeal to younger people, many of whom went to college with people from other countries currently or recently. People will forget all about it once he gets elected. Except maybe foreign college students who won’t be able to do anything about it.


I’ll start…

Last edited 3 months ago by 5JC

“…I heartily dislike ALL of ’em…” Yep, they are all equally worthless to me. Damn shame we have to hold our nose and “vote” for the lesser of the evils.

Automatic green card? For graduating college? F*ck that! Make application and get in line. I really doubt that The Bad Orange Man is gonna save us. He will be fought tooth and nail by BOTH parties and he will constantly let his big mouth get in the way. News flash, Donnie…quit trying to be a politician and go back to being a businessman. Make deals that are advantageous to America and Americans.


“ He will be fought tooth and nail by BOTH parties”

He absolutely will be!!!


Well, let’s see. In 2019 there were 2.5M legal immigrants from China and another 300k Chinese students on student visas for the 2019-2020 academic year. Call it 2.8M on the potential citizenship track with this proposed program. None of them, we are promised, will be communists. For comparison, 2019 U.S. births by all citizens, legal, and illegal immigrants was 3.7M. This may be a good idea but it will rely the quality of the bureaucracy doing the vetting.


It’s definitely a battle of the senile old farts
I’ll give trump the win last night
And America the loss
It’s embarrassing these two are what the lame stream has given us this cycle to vote on
Both have ran the deficit up
Nether give a crap about any of us
I’m doing a wright in for Rand Paul this year


I like Rand Paul but he’s not running. Maybe 2028?

Slow Joe

A wright in is a vote for Biden.
You know how they count votes.


He says some really dumb shit! I think that he often speaks before he thinks.

But I almost spit my glass of Woodford Reserve out last night when Biden said “no U.S. Servicemen have been killed, in any country, during my administration!”

I’m afraid I have to overlook Trump’s dumb shit.

Biden’s stupidity or outright lies trump Trump’s.


“Woodford Reserve”

The double oaked is my favorite in a shot glass.
Just a tiny sip at a time and let it linger.


One of my fas too. 👍

Slow Joe

Too expensive


Nah! It’s worth the little extra. It’s average for a good 90 proof. I like Makers Mark too. Any good 90proof is usually within $10. Of each other . For average stuff. I’m not talking about Pappy and the like.


The only automatic green card that I can get behind would be those issued to foreigners that enlisted and fought with our military.

If anyone “deserves” citizenship, it’s these people and not a college student.

I have been both and I know what I did as both. College doesn’t necessarily deserve citizenship as much as laying your life on the line.


So long as the kept the number limited and did a thorough background check Id be on board with that.


Agreed. Not to be used as a “back-door”!

Slow Joe

Everything will be used as a back-door.
Any policy creates incentives. We have to make sure these incentives work in favor of America’s prosperity and security.
If college graduates get green cards, the college degree mills will make millions selling fake degrees, and so on.


Econ 101. Supply and demand. Congratulations, you’ve displayed a better understanding of economics than 95% of Congress.

Dennis - not chevy

I missed the debate, my VSO meeting went into overtime and the debate was over by the time the meeting was finished. I’d thank my Commander for that; except, I don’t want him to get into the habit of long meetings.

I knew Biden didn’t do so well when first thing this morning the TDS ridden local news talking heads were whining about Trump’s lies. They didn’t even mention Biden.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Except the Democrats did change their rules for their convention to keep Bernie Sanders out…

They made the rule that delegates won in primaries have to vote for the candidate they are pledged to…they have no discretionary vote…

If Biden doesn’t resign willingly I think Democrats are going to be stuck with him right through election day.

Of course if he does resign it could make for a very entertaining convention after all…


The DNC convention is going to be fun to watch regardless. Watching the hand wringing/gnashing of teeth play out on the Democrats controlled media at 5,6 and 10 daily until then.

It seems a wrench has found its way into those finely honed gears.


They talked about Trump’s alleged 27 lies but Biden told a bazillion lies. From saying that Trump called Neo-Nazis fine people to claiming the Border Patrol endorsement. I would have fallen out laughing if I hadn’t been sitting down when he let that one fly.

The Democratic Party controlled news networks can do what they want, But the days of them constantly slinging lies to be devoured by allegedly informed voters are over. It’s too easy for people to figure out the truth If they want to know it.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

The face you make when you realize you have no idea who the hell these people are and there is, in fact, no ice cream here either…


Cori Bush must have laid on hands. Button is miraculously cured of his cold today and able to talk coherently by reading a teleprompter with zero issues.

Army- Air Force Guy

And he no longer stutters! (Again)


Those summer colds can be a rough.