Wednesday FGS

| July 20, 2022

You’ll Shoot Yer Eye Out, Kid

Off-duty officer fatally shoots alleged gunman who opened fire at family reunion in South Holland
An off-duty Palos Hills police officer at the gathering returned fire when a gunman began shooting following an earlier domestic dispute, authorities said.

By Tyler LaRiviere and Mohammad Samra
An off-duty Palos Hills police officer shot and killed a man who allegedly opened fire during a family reunion Saturday evening at a South Holland park.

The officer, who was attending the gathering at Maicach Park in the south suburb, began shooting after seeing the alleged gunman fire multiple shots following an earlier domestic dispute at the party, a spokeswoman for the village said.

The dispute occurred between the alleged gunman and his current and former girlfriends at the park, the spokeswoman said. The man and his current girlfriend left, but allegedly returned later.

The alleged gunman was the only person shot and was taken to a hospital for treatment, where he later died, South Holland Police Chief Shawn Staples said. There were “about 50 people gathered for a family reunion,” said Andriana Foster, who was at the park with her children when the shooting happened.

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Chicago Sun Times

Dropping his target in a crowd under fire? This guy’s a stud- too bad Lame Stream Media won’t pick it up. Thanks for the (stashed) link, Gun Bunny.

DC police reviewing surveillance footage in shooting by off-duty officer at The Wharf

Valerie Bonk
There are still many questions surrounding a deadly shooting at The Wharf on Saturday. D.C. Police Chief Robert Contee gave some information on Monday as the investigation continues.

One of the biggest questions that remains is whether there was an exchange of gunfire between a man pointing a gun and the off-duty officer who shot and killed him.

Officials told the Washington Post that the officer was Cmdr. Jason Bagshaw, a 20-year-veteran of the D.C. police. Contee said that he was a “newly” promoted commander.

“Preliminarily, at least to this point, it does not appear that there was an exchange,” Contee said.

Contee said 23-year-old Lazarus Wilson of Virginia was shot and killed.

Bagshaw and another off-duty officer had seen Wilson pointing a gun just outside of a restaurant and responded to the situation, police said.

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A mostly peaceful BLM/ANTIFA demonstration will be held in observance of the untimely passing of young Mr. Lazarus Wilson, at The Warf later this week. Festive activities to include shutting down I-495 to all rush hour traffic, the popular Upscale Storefront smash-and-grab, dramatic flaming bottle tossing, and the hilarious Emergency Vehicle Rollover, with bonus points for the number of White Fascists* inside- bring the kids!

*White Fascists do not need to actually be White. See Mayra Flores/Clarence Thomas.

The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles.
-Jeff Cooper

Category: Feel Good Stories, Guest Link

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Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous

I remember that!
We may still have a “You betcha” Red Ryder BB gun ’round the Compound somewheres.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Those Daisy air rifles were on the comic books back page I used to read. Had the Daisy Mod. 25 pump and used to line up Small green crab apples. Spring finally broke before I joined the Navy. I didn’t know who to go to at the time to get it repaired. Got an email quite awhile ago from a TAH member that there is a person that has parts and I think fixes the other air guns that were on the market at the time.


I did some mean and nasty stuff with one of those but the more wholesome stuff, shooting cans and bottles was a lot of fun.



Old tanker

I got bit by the nostalgia bug a while back when I saw that Daisy made adult sized Red Riders. Yup I bought one. Helps to keep the feral cats at bay from bothering our domestic yard cat. Funny how dropping a bb right next to a growling cat tends to make it rethink it’s choices.


Meathead shoulda stiffled his nefarious thoughts during the family affair and showed some love all in the family. What would Mr. French say?

Don’t think that this Lazarus is gonna rise from the dead.

Final former ex mrs kept custody of the American Made Red Ryder I had bought for my 8 yo baby girl back in ’87. Wonder what pawn shop it ended up in?

A lot of good men would stand shoulder to shoulder, with their rifles, and correct the actions of evil men. Lead on, Colonel Sir.

Another escort detail today. Check the DA Form 6 and see whose day it is to be “that guy”. See y’all this pm. In honor of the FIRST (ht 2 Hack Stone) moon landing, I give my blessing for y’all to howl.


Meanwhile, Russia claims it’s doing poorly in Ukraine because of Ukrainian super-soldiers created in those “biolabs”… from The Daily Beast (f.k.a. Newsweek) and not The Weekly World News w/ Bat Boy, etc., too (journalism today).

Last edited 2 years ago by Anonymous