
Towards the Edge of Sanity

| September 4, 2009 | 5 Comments
Towards the Edge of Sanity

It’s a bit surprising that the notable and commendable Joe Gandelman of The Moderate Voice would play the role of liberal demagogue by blaming the current political climate on the standard boogeymen (angry geezers at Town Hall meetings, dittoheads, Glenn Beck, etc.) instead of examining why this type of discourse is occurring. A typical distraction […]

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NYT’s James Glantz’ smoke and mirrors

| September 2, 2009 | 12 Comments
NYT’s James Glantz’ smoke and mirrors

James Glantz who was New York Times’ Baghdad Bureau chief in 2007, writes a clearly misleading article today in the Times related to contractors in Afghanistan. The misperception begins in the title “Contractors Outnumber U.S. Troops in Afghanistan“; Civilian contractors working for the Pentagon in Afghanistan not only outnumber the uniformed troops, according to a […]

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George Will is wrong, wrong, wrong

| September 1, 2009 | 12 Comments
George Will is wrong, wrong, wrong

Last night, I wrote briefly about the impending George Will column in the Washington Post in which Will says we should withdraw from Afghanistan. I have nothing against George Will – in fact he and I had a nice short chat one night at the National Press Club several years back and I found him […]

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WaPo warns of tax hikes

| August 29, 2009 | 14 Comments
WaPo warns of tax hikes

Lori Montgomery of the Washington Post demonstrates her keen eye for the obvious this morning as she warns that tax hikes are on their way; During last year’s campaign, President Obama vowed to enact a bold agenda without raising taxes for the middle class, a pledge budget experts viewed with skepticism. Since then, a severe […]

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Richardson investigation dead

| August 27, 2009 | 5 Comments
Richardson investigation dead

I’m reading Michelle Malkin‘s Culture of Corruption on my way to work every morning. It’s a good way to prepare for my occupation in downtown DC by getting my blood pressure and my brow furrowed. It’s also why I’m not surprised by things like the pay-for-play case against New Mexico’s governor Bill Richardson dropped at […]

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Ted Kennedy dead at 77

| August 26, 2009 | 23 Comments
Ted Kennedy dead at 77

Mary Jo Kopechne is still dead eight days short of her 29th birthday. I was taught to not speak ill of the dead, so….. Why, nine hours after his death is CNN is still running the “BREAKING” headline?

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WaPo ignores real news

| August 14, 2009 | 2 Comments
WaPo ignores real news

Washington Post‘s Michael D. Shear and Anne E. Kornblut wrote this wonderful article about the joyful time President Obama had in Montana today. Apparently, the townhall meeting that they saw was all candy and rainbows for the President. The recounted all of the questions the President was asked. Well, they missed reporting on one – […]

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Scott’s office vandalized

| August 11, 2009 | 20 Comments
Scott’s office vandalized

I linked to this video Sunday wherein Congressman David Scott melted down because he didn’t believe there were any white doctors in his district;

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