
Voting “present” on climate treaty

| November 15, 2009 | 2 Comments
Voting “present” on climate treaty

Can you imagine the furor in the media if you substituted “President Obama” with “President [insert any Republican name in this space]” in this paragraph from the New York Times? President Obama and other world leaders have decided to put off the difficult task of reaching a climate change agreement at a global climate conference […]

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The PTSD foregone conclusion

| November 14, 2009 | 7 Comments
The PTSD foregone conclusion

One of our readers, Jerry, sends along a link to an ABC article about Post Tramatic Stress Disorder; Now, I’m all in favor of anything that puts “the spotlight” on PTSD in our military community, but there’s absolutely no evidence that the Fort Hood incident had anything to do with PTSD, but ABC is bound […]

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Confusing headline

| November 13, 2009 | 7 Comments
Confusing headline

With a headline like this, you know you have to read the story; Who lets these terrorists name themselves just anything they want?

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Another PTSD cooties case?

| November 10, 2009 | 20 Comments
Another PTSD cooties case?

A gun man holding an assistant principle principal hostage in Pine Plains, New York has been arrested. Of course, the Fox News correspondent, Laura Ingle, points out that the 40 year old man who was disgruntled over “the government” had a son in the military. No links yet. Apparently, everyone has a built-in excuse to […]

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When the facts don’t fit the politics

| November 10, 2009 | 3 Comments
When the facts don’t fit the politics

Both Greyhawk of Mudville Gazaette and Dave in Texas of Ace of Spades noticed some creative editing from CNN’s online staff in regards to some eyewitness interviews about the events at the shooting last week in Fort Hood. Pvt Joseph Foster is yet another soldier reporting that Nidal Hasan shouted “Allah Akbar” when he began […]

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My perfect records stands

| November 4, 2009 | 4 Comments
My perfect records stands

I had to stop watching NY Giants football games years ago because every time I watched, the Giants would lose. I’m beginning to think I have the same effect on elections. If no one noticed, my perfect record of not being able to call elections remains intact with Hoffman’s loss in NY23. Sorry, Doug, I […]

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A world of change in 287 days

| November 3, 2009 | 13 Comments
A world of change in 287 days

Pulitzer Prize winning columnist for the Washington Post, Eugene Robinson took time away from playing with his Barack and Michelle action figures to pen the most ridiculous column ever to grace the pages of the Post entitled “A world of change in 287 days“. You’re going to have to click over and read Robinson’s fantasies […]

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Scozzafava to NY23: Vote for the establishment

| November 1, 2009 | 7 Comments
Scozzafava to NY23: Vote for the establishment

Yeah, I kinda figured that Dede would be that sort of prick who is vindictive rather than the bigger person. Apparently, her decision to drop out of the New York’s 23rd District race was selfish – if she couldn’t win, she didn’t want to lose – so she decided to throw her voters to Bill […]

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