Alton Nolen; Beheading in Oklahoma

| September 26, 2014

Alton Nolen

From KFOR in Oklahoma City comes the story of 30-year-old Alton Nolen who returned with a knife to the business where he’d just been fired;

He walked into the front office area where he met 54-year-old Colleen Hufford and began attacking her with a knife.

Sgt. Lewis confirms the type of knife used in the attack is the same kind used at the plant.

Lewis confirms that Hufford was stabbed several times and that Nolen “severed her head.”

At that point, Lewis claims Nolen met 43-year-old Traci Johnson and began attacking her with the same knife.

Officials say at that point, Mark Vaughan, an Oklahoma County reserve deputy and a former CEO of the business, shot him as he was actively stabbing Johnson.

“He’s a hero in this situation,” Sgt. Lewis said, referring to Vaughan. “It could have gotten a lot worse.”

Authorities say it appears Nolen was attacking employees at random.

According to KFOR, the FBI has taken over the investigation of the attack. It seems that Mr Nolan is a recent convert to Islam and spent his time at work trying to convert his fellow employees.

Category: Terror War

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That’s some horrible shit.


“Workplace Violence”…


With this Administration, it’s entirely possible it will be so characterized.

And like so many other things from this Administration, that will be bullsh!t too.



farmgirl with a mosin nagant

Yeah, MSM is already saying that ‘officials’ say there are no immediate indications that it’s terrorism-linked. They don’t say whose officials though.


Just like w/ balding fat islamo-warrior at Ft. Hood.

Roger in Republic

Luckily Oklahoma gives the death penalty when you cut someones head off no matter where you do it.Jihad is not an affirmative defence to murder, yet.

A Proud Infidel®™

What’s next, snot-spined libtard pols calling for “patience and tolerance” along with Knife Laws like they have in jolly milquetoast England? If the cowardly puke ends up dying from his gunshot wounds (which I hope are giving him excruciating pain), I would deeply appreciate it if someone would pour a copious amount of bacon grease all over his body just before he croaks!!

Once again,

1. Rope.
2. Tree (or Gallows).
3. Terrorist.

Some assembly required.


It’s Oklahoma. Their Death Row Express Lanes are almost as fast as Texas.

A Proud Infidel®™

A very comforting thought. Thanks NHSparky, I needed that! If he/it is executed via lethal injection, I hope that at least part of the drug cocktail they use to put him down with is made from rendered pig fat!!


I wish they would bring back hanging as a capital punishment. Save the cost of drugs and the rope is reusable

A Proud Infidel®™

AMEN TO THAT! Plus we could put some pig blood or a little lard on part of the noose for vermin like him!!


With the last execution there not going so well with lethal injection because they don’t just poison people every day of kicks, OK folk are considering bringing back Ol’ Sparky (you know, “the chair”) for reliability.

A Proud Infidel®™

I hope you’re right, and I hope they succeed, then we “STRAP ‘EM AND ZAP ‘EM”!

Hack Stone

But the present administration will insist that the electric chair be solar powered in order to reduce our carbon footprint.

John Robert Mallernee

Of all the methods of execution by the State, I think the gas chamber is the most prolonged agony prior to losing consciousness.

Every one of us military veterans have some sense of what I’m referring to, since all of us had to go through the gas chamber annually, in addition to repeatedly encountering it in field exercises or actual combat situations.

Another form of execution which I suspect would be at least a minute or two of extreme pain prior to losing consciousness is the guillotine, as the severed head still retains enough oxygenated blood within the brain to sustain consciousness for a minute or more, while detecting the worst possible physical pain of a severed spinal cord.

The worst appearing form of execution, but actually painless, due to causing instantaneous loss of consciousness, is the electric chair.

I base that theory on my own experience of getting electric shock treatments in a state mental hospital when I was a teenager.

The entire episode was psychologically traumatic in the extreme.

You can’t imagine how terrified I was, and how I tried to hide my fear with jokes.

But, it was instant lights out with no pain.

However, when I saw others receiving their electric shock treatmments, it turned my stomach, and still gives me nightmares.

One survivor of an electric chair (later put to death) described seeing lights before his eyes and tasting peanut butter in his mouth, but that was because the executioners were intoxicated and rigged the electric chair improperly.

If it’s done correctly, then I’m certain that total loss of consciousness is instant, even though the spectacle is especially gruesome.

By the way, at least one (or more?) of the American Prisoners-of-War in Hanoi was subjected to repeated electric shock treatments in their mental hospital.


Agreed. But we can only hope in a good ol’ American Justice system ending that once he is convicted (and he will be) the victim’s family will have its day. Let’s hope some gifted defense attorney prolongs his day of execution. Say 25 years in solitary confinement due to his belief’s to protect him from the prison population would be a good start. And once all his appellees have expired and he is lead from his 8′ X 8′ prison confinement to justifiable death by lethal injection room. Suddenly some how from some where a reprieve is granted. Ah … guess all that ‘I’m ready to died and meet all the virgins promised as the martyr’ talk will just have to wait till next week’s death row schedule. Well boo-f*cking-hoo! Sort of what Henry IIIV done to his second wife Ann Boleyn. Your head will be cut off tomorrow at 9:00AM, next day Oops sorry you head will be cut off tomorrow at 9:00AM, next day Oops sorry… you get the picture. God moves in mysterious ways. A few trips back and forth from short reprieve to sudden death execution until the final day, that final second finds him squirming would be the best case ending to a useless life existence. Like I said trust in the good ol’ American Justice system there’s no better on the planet!

John Robert Mallernee

That’s sort of how the Soviet Union carried out their executions.

The condemned inmate never knew when he was going to be executed.

The guards merely escorted him from his cell, in a normal everyday fashion, and when he was alone in a tiny room, there was a pistol shot fired from a small window into the back of his head.

The family was not permitted to take possession of the corpse, but was billed for the cost of the ammunition.

John Robert Mallernee

If only we did things as prescribed for Ancient Israel, as recorded within the sacred pages of our Holy Bible, the State would NOT be implementing any capital punishment, as the State is too vulnerable to political corruption.

Instead, the condemned was publicly executed by the victim’s family and/or the eyewitnesses to the crime.

Not only was murder a capital offence, but so were ALL sexual transgressions.

The accused could save his life by fleeing to a designated City of Refuge, where, “IF” his claimed defense was deemed acceptable, he could safely remain for seven (07) years.

I learned these facts many years ago when I took the course on the Constitution of the United States of America as taught by the late W. Cleon Skousen.


Better yet use the cocktail that recently failed horribly leaving the condemned lying on the table for almost an hour to die a painful and slow death!


We must ban knifes just like the UK did. Its the only reasonable answer.


The company will probably be sued for religious discrimination.


…if the ALCU, CAIR and/or ex-Mayor Bloomberg have anyhing to do with it.

The Other Whitey

Go figure. The violent rampage by a knife-wielding maniac was stopped by a private citizen with a gun. This will almost certainly result in renewed calls for stricter gun control.

A Proud Infidel®™

And of course at least some of the sniveling. media libs will try to portray the murdering coward as the victim as well.

Day after day, liberals themselves prove through their words and deeds that liberalism is a mental disorder!!


really,, and look in the mirror at who turns political first. You and everyone else are “liberal” on some subjects. It’s only “liberal” when it’s not your point of view.. talk about mental disorders.


The “private citizen” in this case was an off duty deputy working one of his second jobs.


The off duty deputy was the founder Mark Vaughan and foremer CEO of the company. The company sold to Reesers Foods recently. Way to go Mark! Be Prepared.


He’s the CEO of the company from what I could find out.
The details are still being worked out.
Yet one more reason to carry, I would rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6.


Naturally… left/liberal gun-grabbers love homicidal thugs that make us dependent on public-union Democrat-voting, doughnut-eating cops w/o a duty to protect.


Another rational follower of the religion of peace.


Should have put a couple more rounds into him.

A Proud Infidel®™

Extra couple of rounds HELL, it would have been nice if the Deputy had emptied the whole mag into that cowardly POS and then emptied another after reloading, then his soul would already be burning in hell for what he did to those Women!

Joe Williams

There will be call here in Oklahoma for restrictions on firearms. His buddies will take him to gun range for more practice,ammo on them. Joe


Well since Obama is the world’s Muslim apologist I am sure if he had a son…he would look like Alton Nolan. You know, a quiet man of the peaceful religion who just got upset because he was fired. He didn’t act out like in Iraq and Syria because he’s Muslim and watched the news. No, he was just over the edge and was distraught. Unfortunate work place violence again. Too bad Holder is gone or he could show up to echo Obama’s sentiments and call for peace and being careful not to be to quick to label this as a Muslim terrorist in the making, act of terrorism.

I hope my sarcasm was apparent.

I am saddened by this act and we need to start calling those of the “religion of peace”, what they are…terrorists. In deed or in heart.


They’ve been that way since they invaded the Bynzantine part of the Holy Roman Empire and sparked the Crusades.

My sympahties to the families of the two women who were attacked, especially the dead woman.


Veritas Omnia Vincit

Islam, making the world safe for muslims one body at a time…..

Here’s hoping this asshole dies of the bullet wounds he received while stabbing victim #2…

Some day America will need to press down hard on its shoulders and pop its head free from its four corner contact and realize Islam is a problem. We can keep pretending that muslims are great people and we can all just get along or we can start calling murderers what they are and finish this shit.


VOV…Here-Here and Amen!


Islam has been a problem for many, many centuries. It is not something new.

They blamed the West for the Crusades, yet it was the Turks and their islamic allies who invaded Europe and were pushed out. They started it, long ago. They just don’t like losing.


Its THE SHORT BUS of religions/cults. One of these days its gonna get stuck on the railroad tracks and nobody is gonna help em.

A Proud Infidel®™

VOV, since I first read this story, I’ve been hoping for that piece of human vermin to suffer from a painful infection and die in agony before his soul goes to hell to burn for what he did!!


It’s ‘fourth point of contact’, i.e. buttocks. It’s part of the PLF, right after ‘thighs’ and before the ‘pushup muscle’.
-former jump master (current at qualified in my heart)

Old Trooper

This is why a person should always have rounds tainted with pig blood loaded in their weapon and just before the bastard dies, inform them that the round he was killed with was tainted with pig blood.


Wouldn’t rubbing a bit of bacon grease on the bullets do the same without the mess of the blood?

Old Trooper

Grease would probably jam up the works of the weapon. Blood you can wipe most of it off and not have to worry about messing up the machinery. I know what you’re thinking, but any amount of pig blood is enough to do the trick. I suppose you could roll the rounds over the inside of the bacon packaging to get enough oinker dna on it to qualify, also. Just as long as little Johnny Jihadi gets the message that he ain’t going to heaven and he ain’t getting his 72 Nancy Pelosi’s, before his lights go out, that should do it. Also, let the media know what you did and encourage others to do the same and it just might reduce the amount of jihadis willing to take the dirt nap if they ain’t gettin’ paid and they ain’t gettin’ laid.

A Proud Infidel®™

OT, all you’d need to do is just rub a tiny dab of bacon fat into the tip of whatever hollowpoint round you have in your weapon, just enough to make the inside of it slick (Just the inside of the tip), and VOILA! You have no grease on the outer portion of your round and you’ll be shooting part of a pig into their anatomy if you ever have to dispatch one or more of those vermin!

The Other Whitey

I like it! Plus, imagine if your propellant residue also had a faint aroma of bacon on the grill!


Be aware that any way you modify your ammunition (rancid pig fat etc.) will open you up to all kinds of fun and games from an unfriendly DA. It is even advised that you only use factory ammunition lest someone accuse you of reloading “more lethal” ammo. Sad but true.

A Proud Infidel®™

I see your point, but what if we do it anyway and don’t even utter a peep about it?

Old Trooper

I don’t think any DA, who is elected by the people, would dare to make an issue of someone using pork tainted rounds to take out a jihadi that just sawed the head off an innocent woman.

As for what ammo I carry……I would rather not say at this time. It will get the job done and that’s all that needs to be said.

A Proud Infidel®™

Or one could do what rumor says some Troops deployed to the Middle East did, rub the tip of each round with a piece of bacon (I heard rumors of Machine Gunners taking a piece of it and rubbing an entire belt of ammo before putting it back in the can)! After cleaning a rifle magazine, a quick rub of bacon grease on the tip of each round,…

I only heard the rumor, so there’s no way I can confirm it…


I’m sure that the stories got to the tangoes through word of mouth. I glad the press didn’t find out about it or we would have another OMG moment.

The Other Whitey

Fuck ’em if they can’t take a joke.


It is no joke.

1. Bacon grease is a fantastic lubricant.

2. Fill in the blank here …

3. Bacon makes every better!


Everything …

Roger in Republic

I’ve used a commercial lube on my reloads for years. I think I will start using bacon grease.

A Proud Infidel®™

MEH, try this – NO SHIT, the brand name is Silver Bullet, it’s a gun oil that contains 13 PERCENT LIQUEFIED PIG FAT, check it out!

B Woodman

Joke ’em if they can’t take a fuck.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I believe the contact must be purposeful for a muslim to become unclean. I suspect a bullet used to kill them would create a different interpretation and thus not make them unclean.

Personally as long as these fucks are killed in huge quantities I don’t much care if they make it to heaven or hell when they are dead.

The Other Whitey

The Moros seemed to fear Pershing’s method. In any case, seems to me like it can’t hurt.

Delilah T.

They believe that if they are killed by a woman, they will go to Hell (and hopefully, stay there).

So pork-tainted bullets fired by very angry women are an appropriate message to send their way.

A Proud Infidel®™

There you go, Ma’am!!

John D

A firing squad composed of women,
A blindfold made of bacon or ham slices.

A Proud Infidel®™

Yeah, that or have someone throw a bucket of effluvia from a septic pond that drains from a hog pen, then make his fellow muslim cowards that were forced to watch the execution carry the corpse away to be buried with a quantity of entrails from a hog slaughterhouse!


You see, this is why I use a crossbow. You can load the bolts with rendered hog fat and send them on their way.

Silent, swift, deadly and delivered in person by a woman, on behalf of the women and children who have been raped and murdered by these thugs and their mimcs.

Mark Lauer

Easy, easy everyone.
According to the authorities we don’t have to worry about any terrorist attacks taking place here in this country. Especially the “lone wolf” style attacks that ISIS has been encouraging moose-slimes to take. So, just go on about your business. There’s nothing to see here. This was just a little misunderstanding, and a young fellow had a little accident with a supposed cutting instrument that may have had a knife like appearance.

Simplest dime with nothing

America the land of the free. If you kill innocent, expect people to stand up and speak their mind. I repeat God bless America and everyone in search of freedom to be truly free.


The only way we can solve this problem of jihadiscum and their beheadingism is to make knives illegal.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I can think of another way.

It’s not politically correct but when I am done muslim violence will be a thing of the past along with most muslims…..


Yes, but the cleanup afterwards is a real problem, VOV.

And the fallout… in the press… while it can be ignored for a while, will eventually seep down into… Oh, never mind.

Just find another planet that is basically habitable and send them there on a one-way trip. No access to return transport, a year’s worth of basic supplies and vitamins, and some gardening tools. If they want to live like vagrants and kill each other off over an abysmally stupid disagreement, let them.


The cleanup afterward? Pig food. Let ’em free range graze.

Lots o’ good hunting afterwards, and the flood on the market would reduce pork prices.

Win, win, win.

A Proud Infidel®™

Not just hogs, Grimmy. The vultures will also feast like there’s no tomorrow!

Nous Defions

Worms need to eat too

A Proud Infidel®™

Ditto with maggots, let them feast on the corpses as well!


Mites will finish it off.

Roger in Republic

Leave um’ for the mother loven’ rats.


Only the assault knives and high capacity knives. Those are evil.

On a separate note, what’s the bet that some news person is trying to find a background story that puts this guy as a crazed war vet that became disillusioned after multiple deployments?


Damned liberals are falling all over themselves trying to convince everyone that Islam is not the problem…

2/17 Air Cav

This POS, as you might guess, was no stranger to the OK courts. He is a multiple felon and, among his crimes, is assault and battery of a police officer. On 7 January 2011 he was convicted of a second felony and was, under OK law, subject to an enhanced penalty. He was also convicted of two misdemeanors that date for which he received one year each, concurrent to the felony time. So, right there, he got nothing for those crimes. And the felony? He received six years BUT the judge suspended FOUR of those years, leaving him two to serve, and placing him on probation. Nice. Allah be praised.


He has apparently had more thanone run-in with the law.

‘It’s not clear how long Nolen worked at the factory or why he was fired. But he has had several run-ins with the law since 2011.
Among other things, Nolen’s rap sheet includes arrests for possession of a controlled substance, assault and battery on a police officer, and escape from detention.’

This article says he did not know the women he attacked and he may be an IS copycat, which ISIL/IS is encouraging.

Nothing was said about his having any connection to the military. As for any apologists in the liber news media – well, fuck them and the dogs they rode in on.


I wonder why they hired a violent felon to begin with.

What dumbasses.

A Proud Infidel®™

I was wondering if we will soon see his Mama bawling to the liberal media pukes with shit like “MY BABY, he dint’ do nuffin’wrong…”


#The real war on women

Old Trooper

Yeah, yet the leftist/commie women can’t see the connection.


Well, apparently the United Arab Emirates see the connection and have put their first female fighter pilot to work bombing ISIL targets.

I say we give her a ‘thumbs up’ on this.

2/17 Air Cav

As much as I would like to assign this POS to the just-another-member-of-the-religion-of-peace camp (and there is no question that the beheadings by adherents of Islam struck his fancy) I tend to believe he is a rather common whack job who went off the deep end. I’ll throw in, too, that the OK crim justice sytem, specifically, the court who gave him a slap on the wrist and the community supervision employees (don’t even try to tell me that this guy was in compliance with his release conditions and was doing just swell) failed, once again. And now one lady is dead and her only crime was that she worked for a living. And another lady has been stabbed for the same offense. And now taxpayer money is funding the efforts to keep this POS on the planet.


The Cult of Jihadiscumism does a lot of recruiting and indoctrination in our prison systems. All of the prison systems in every state.

There are prisons with serious problems due to the size of the Cult of Jihadiscumism gangs within the prison’s pop base.

Do the web searching thing on Jamaat ul-Fuqra compound in Red House, Virginia, for example.

A Proud Infidel®™

I was thinking about that myself, Grimmy, and I wonder if it isn’t some master plan from B. Hussein 0bama & Company to let radical islam infect and fester in the United States with the result being more and more attacks like this as time goes on. I’ll bet the vermin was also a high school dropout. I feel certain that the durkha-durkhas like to recruit in prisons and jails because it gives them plenty of access to piss-poorly educated gullible fools that will fall for their claptrap in a heartbeat. Also look at how dirt cheap life is in big cities with high crime rates, it’s about as cheap as it is in the ME! This shit really strikes me to my inner core, I came back into the Military after a 9 year break in service just to get deployed to the Middle East, fight those inbred goat-molesting bastard fleabags on their turf and keep them from festering their shit in the USA. We now have an administration that betrays us Vets and the US civilian population by kowtowing to third world muslims and letting them infect wherever they please while it and the liberal media does all it can to muzzle those that try to sound an alarm. I’ve done my fair share of missions outside the wire in A-stan, I know just how little these radical vermin value human life, including brainwashed converts like that coward. You cannot reason or negotiate with them, the best thing to do is wipe them off the face of the Earth and let satan eat their souls as they arrive in hell!


Forgot to mention, the beheading is an act of worship for the Cult of Jihadiscumism.

It is the same method and manner that animal sacrifices are made to the demon they worship.

In a very real sense, what’s going on is human sacrifice no different than was practiced in ancient times.

A Proud Infidel®™

No matter how I look at it, I see it as a third world death cult!


It’s just an excuse to commit mass murder.


Her ‘crime’ (don’t like that word used this way) was that she was the first person Nolen ran into. She was at the front desk, and the other woman was up front there, also.

It was a crime of opportunity for Nolen, who, as far as I’m concerned, can rot in solitary until they take him out to feed him to hungry white sharks.

A Proud Infidel®™

Just like the cowardly muslim vermin in the third world do, he went for who he thought would give little or no resistance. Remember the statements by hamass bragging they were going to kill Israeli Women and Children first?


Oh, yes, I do. And it seems to me it was the hampsterasses that got killed first, wasn’t it?


My home is located about 10 miles east of Vaughan Foods. Have been watching the local news coverage closely. The Norman,OK Transcript news has provided some great coverage. Looks like his Facebook page has been located. It provides some insight about this guys beliefs.

UPDATED: Facebook page found for suspect in Moore beheading

Suspects Facebook page:


He is going to have to update the activity section of his fb page to show Bubba-Butt-Buddy.


Is no one concerned that a terrorist attack was commited at food processing plant!!! A deadly strain of Ebola is raging. Why wont the news tells us if it possible to contaminate foods. The thing at the airport in chicago, could this have been terror? They wont even discuss it. I am not trying to be a nut, I am afraid!


No, the thing at the Chicago airports was a destructive act by a contract employee. He damaged the high altitude air traffic facility’s wiring, grounding all planes. He also got burns and cuts in the process. He’s in custody now.

I’ve been sending Jonn reports on this since it started. Stay tuned.

Dr. Strangeglove

Pour a jar of pig excrement into his wounds and wait.

End of story.

A Proud Infidel®™

GREAT idea, you and I think alike.


Here is the title of what is going around:

(U) Workplace Violence Incident Resulting in Beheading of Vaughan Foods Employee – Moore, Oklahoma on 9/25/2014

So I guess IT is settled.

So here is my title:

Jolly ole’ Muslin fellow beheads co-worker over employment spat!

Get used to it folks … Workplace violence committed by Jihadists is here!


He’s being labeled a ‘wannabe’ and a copycat by some news sources, and I’d agree with that.

Would he have done the same thing if there had been two men there at the front desk?

Maybe we’ll find out.


In my city this week, a Caucasian, non Islamic male killed his supervisor, another worker and himself at the place where he worked. A couple days later a few miles over, an employee killed his supervisor as well… also at their place of employment. Why is it that every horrific act has to be blamed on the current political office/officer? People have been committing vicious, horrible, unfathomable acts long before 2009.


Wake up!

Stap out of it …

It is 2014 not 2009!

The Other Whitey

Maybe if Nolen/Mohammed Bin Fucknuts had attacked the boss who fired him, then I could see your point. But sources are confirming that he did not know either of his victims. He didn’t go postal over his axe to grind with his ex-boss, he attacked two defenseless women that had done nothing to him.

It is true that he was a documented shitbag before he converted to Islam, but the timing and methodology of his brutal crime presents an awful lot of coincidences, too many if you ask me.

Either way, assuming this cocksucker survives the bullet wounds, he’s going to ride the lightning, courtesy of the state of Oklahoma.


You know who makes excuses for the enemy, foreign and domestic?

The enemy, foreign and domestic.

Old Trooper

So, thaley; is it “workplace violence when Ft. Hood got shot up? That’s what it was classified by the gummint.

Does it surprise you that a group of muslims surrounded the cops, at the press conference, and started chanting the usual shit (I’ll give you a hint, it starts with an A), today?

Wake the fuck up. Dickweed was pissed off about the reason he was canned, which had just a wee bit to do with the fact he wouldn’t shut his fucking pie hole about islam on the job, and an argument he had about stoning women.

I don’t really care what you believe, because you are one of those that are going to be clueless to the end.

Rob Crosly

No more mollycoddling the “religion of peace” that recruits nothing but homicidal maniacs. Why does the international community persist in its inane and futile attempts to coexist with these lunatics? One cannot win the “hearts and minds” of evil idiots, because such enemies can never be reasoned with or placated — only annihilated. They have made it clear to the rest of the world that it is them or us and we must act accordingly.


Why? Because they don’t want to offend anyone by showing a lack of understanding or tolerance.

However, I’m offended that those murdering slimeworms are offended by the existence of the rest of us. It’s defnitely them or us, and I think it’s time we said ‘It’s US, dammit!’

A Proud Infidel®™

I SO wish I could have been at that press conference just to yell “ALLAH PIG SNOT!!” right into the face of every one of those goat-raping fleabags.