Still on Guard

| February 13, 2014

The Washington Times noticed that not everyone in the Metro DC area had a snow day;

With what’s being billed as the storm of the season dumping inches of snow on the Washington, D.C., region, leaving a cloud of closures in its wake — Capitol Hill, area schools, airports, Metro bus service and almost all government offices in Maryland, the capital city and Virginia — the stalwart sentries for some of America’s most revered military sites stand tall and fast.

Thanks to Wes for the link. And thanks to the Washington Times’ Cheryl Chumley for noticing.

Category: Real Soldiers

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Thanks for Posting that John.


We do need the occasional reminder. Thanks.

Frankly Opinionated

I have a friend who is the “DCO” for the 3rd Inf Reg’t, and yes, the unit is on duty as usual.


Nice to be reminded.


All my honor and respect goes to the men of the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment, The Old Guard.


I am always in awe of those soldiers.

Toasty Coastie

My thanks to the soldiers who have this duty…


The Discipline that the Old Guard displays is amazing. Dedication does not even begin to describe their efforts in weather like this.
God Bless them!!


I used to know a NCO that walked the Tomb and I was fascinated by the duty. There is an initiation and selection process, I was told. Countless re-lights of the eternal flame with a Bic. It was weird going to the Military District of Washington after these stories and working there. I was 24 and enjoyed the accompanying debauchaury and forging an interim chapter of my life. 20 years later I found that my great granfather was buried in Arlington and my surname originated from within Andrews AFB. I have yet to pay my respects.


The posers exposed here will never understand why we are so pissed off at them. This video should help, but it won’t.

The Old Guard buried my best friend in August with Full Honors and the next day 2 soldiers from the Old Guard buried my bride of 30 years with equal dignity, respect and Army reverence.

That’s all I can say without bringing the ban hammer for language about these fakes.



I have never seen the Ban hammer used here. I think they do get it but don’t care. They also dont understand that no matter how much thunder is called down on them it will never equal the hurt they caused in their deception.

My heart goes out to you for your loss. The option for not feeling grief is to never have known the person at all. I choose grief…


5 companies?


How long the posts?


@10 SJ…My condolences and thoughts go out to you. My prayers for God’s peace as well.


Always a stop whenever I and my sweetheart are in DC. It reminds me why I served and all who gave everything and those that still respect that sacrifice and will never forget


I have the utmost respect for everyone of these troops.

Never quit, never fail.


The first time I saw the Tomb I was when I was in the 5th Grade. I go at least once a year. It used to be a rare thing to hear the Guard Talk, now its more and more common.


So, how is the snow taken off of the area they are walking? Is the area warmed from underneath or other people clear the snow, working around the Honor Guards?


@17 Unless it get pretty deep its not removed. If it is deep enough Guards not standing the post will clear the snow while the Guard on Watch Either Stands at Center or in the shack.

Tomb Guards Creed

My dedication to this sacred duty
is total and whole-hearted.
In the responsibility bestowed on me
never will I falter.
And with dignity and perseverance
my standard will remain perfection.
Through the years of diligence and praise
and the discomfort of the elements,
I will walk my tour in humble reverence
to the best of my ability.
It is he who commands the respect I protect,
his bravery that made us so proud.
Surrounded by well meaning crowds by day,
alone in the thoughtful peace of night,
this soldier will in honored glory rest
under my eternal vigilance.

The Vigil

In measured steps he makes in rounds.
The click of heels the only sounds.
He stands erect so straight and tall,
With pride and dedication responds to the call.
With deep affection his vigil keeps,
Over those who forever sleep.

He responds not to the visitors stare,
Maintaining his vigil as if in silent prayer.
In the morning’s twilight hours,
His watch becomes like cathedral towers.
Reaching from earth to heaven above,
A lasting tribute to one man’s love.

As time and seasons come and go,
His vigil remains for all to know.
That beneath the sacred Arlington sod,
Lies three buddies KNOWN BUT TO GOD.


FatCircles0311: not all of the Old Guard are Tomb Guards. The unit performs many other missions in the DC area in addition to guarding the Tomb of the Unknowns. See

Regarding the duration of Tomb Guard postings, this source details it. It’s Wikipedia, so if someone out there with experience can weigh in and correct any errors, please do so.

Per this source, the Tomb is guarded by teams from the Tomb Guard platoon working 24on/24off for 5 days, with a 4 day break afterwards. The guard is changed at the Tomb every 30 min (summer), hourly (winter), and every 2 hrs during times that Arlington National Cemetery is closed. Don’t know how long the total time “on post” is when time for moving to/from assembly area, pre-tour checks, etc . . . , is added together (article doesn’t cover that). It does say that it takes about 6 hrs to prepare uniforms the prior day for a day on Tomb Guard duty.

The badge for Tomb Guard is reportedly the second-least awarded Army badge in current use, with less than 700 awarded. Only the Army Astronaut Badge (yes, it exists and has been awarded) is rarer.


Hondo, why’d you mention these badges? Now how long will it be before we see a poser with a Tomb Guard and/or Army Astronaut Badge? /S


Below is a Documentary about the old Guard. Its 51 minutes long and covers many of the duties. It well worth watching.


We already saw a poser with a tomb Guard badge. I cant remember who it was. That badge can and has been revoked even after the Guard has been discharged for bringing dishonor on the Guard.

I had the honor of speaking with a Trainee a couple of years ago. He had 1 tour in Iraq and 1 in Afghanistan. He was starting to get Watches. One of the things he said that stuck with me was at night, when they are all alone it hits them where they are and what they are doing. That it was like the spirits of everyone there was watching him Guard them.


I spent four years with TOG, and will be dropping my packet to go back. The Tomb is guarded by a dedicated platoon. Other specialty units in TOG include Caisson, Continental Color Guard, the US Army Drill Team, and the Five and Drum Corps. I served with Alpha Company, the Commander in Chief’s Guard. Like the other companies, we rotated Primary funeral services in Arlington as well as much less important missions like General Officer retirements and Foreign Dignitary Arrivals.

TOG was a great experience, and one which I hope to get again in the near future.


SJ: I believe we already have seen at least one false claim of a Tomb Guard badge.

There’s also a web site with a by-name roster of those who are qualified, so they’re pretty easy to bust if fake.

A Proud Infidel

@SJ, to your friend who was laid to rest, * Going to attention, slowly Present Arms, hold, slowly Order Arms*.
My Condolences on the loss of your Mrs. too, just the thought of that made me hug and kiss my Mrs. one more time after I got home from another night shift this morning.
I lived in Columbus, GA for a few years after I ETS’ed from AD in 1994, and my Barber there who was Retired Army told me about his time as a Tomb Guard. He spoke with pride about it, and I remember him saying that even after they went to another Duty Station, their Badge could be revoked if they did something to bring dishonor on the Guard and it could be revoked after they got out or Retired! I also remember him saying that while they were Guards, they were forbidden from drinking, smoking, or using foul language, he eventually opened up his own Barber Shop, and had a wall mural of the Guard Badge on it as well. It’s been about 10 or 12 years since I last saw or talked to him, I need to stop by and say “Hi!” to him on my next road trip up there!

I believe that if that video or any of the Tomb Guards doesn’t strike a chord inside of you, you have something wrong with yourself


Proud: Yep…passed in her sleep. Glad we had done that good night hug and kiss. It is written that we don’t know the time nor the place. A play on the old Army expression: hug em if you got em.

Break, break: back to the poser entertainment. (But thanks for your words and those of the others.)


I am a proud son of a US Army Korean War Vet.

I love the US Army … the above is just one of the many reasons why!


My work takes to Ft. Myer often. During the height of the Iraq war I saw them way too busy. Made me sad.


@28: I did far too many missions with PGR during the height of the war but nothing more satisfying than giving a final send off to those that gave all.
The families were so grateful and never failed to come down the line of us and thank each one usually in tears. We all said to them “no, thank you for allowing us the honor of being here”


The lads did well by my Dad’s funeral, could not have been better. A friend was there back around ’80 and did well. he briefly appeared in the movie “Gardens of Stone; a lot of people don’t know that most of the extras were actualOld Guard troops (he said they had a ball filming it, too – and that James Caan and James Earl Jones were great human beings.)

Green Thumb

21 Steps.

Hardest Job in The Army.


Stand Watch, Boys.

Green Thumb


Black Sheep?