TAH in the Washington Post

| February 2, 2012

I spent a few minutes on the phone with Erik Wemple this morning who writes about the media in the Washington Post. He wanted to hear about how we took down the Leo Webb lie. So I gave you guys props;

Lilyea says he’s “85 to 90 percent sure” that it was his readers who forced the retractions. To confirm the claim, this blog has reached out to American Public Media (home of Marketplace) and to KQED and is awaiting responses.

In the meantime, Lilyea will wait for the next faker to emerge. When he launched This Ain’t Hell six years ago, he focused on Iraq war opponents who lied about having served in the military. The Internet, however, insisted that he cast a wider net. “My readers decided I should out phonies everywhere,” says Lilyea. “They’re the ones who click my ads and get my income in, so I go where they send me.”

But, to me, the big victory in this isn’t our new-found media attention, but Wemple asked me for my DD214 before he published his post. So I think we’re getting through their thick skulls. Trust but verify. I call it winning.

But read the whole article. I told him that I have the best readers in the world, that no one comes here to read my drivel, they come here to read your comments and the tips you send me. I remind myself of that every morning when I open my laptop and wonder WTF I’m going to write about today and some of you always come through for me.

Category: Media, Phony soldiers

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Frankly Opinionated

After online news n weather, my first stop every day, and often several times during the day; and yes, just as much for the comments as for the posts.


i’m going to spend some time this morning clicking your ads. 🙂

Old Trooper

Click ads? Who clicks ads? I come here for the sports scores.

John Curmudgeon

I come here for the chicks with the amazing racks in the “Things not to eat” ads.


what’s surprising to me is how many of us listen to NPR on the way into work.

Mark Christianson

Go get em!


Awesome. TAH provides an invaluable public service to strengthen Stolen Valor prosecution!


I’m very new here, but I like the articles and I love reading the commentary and occasionally adding my two cents.

What initially brought me to TAH was an email that was being forwarded around that originated with some Army folk and at some point crossed the void into the AF side about a fake Spec Ops load toad MSgt… Somehow or another the email led me here, and though I’ve only recently started posting, I’ve been a fan for a while.

Rock on TAH!

Old Tanker

…clicking ads….



Poohbah, Lord High Everything Else


A reporter actually did fact-checking BEFORE writing his story?

Look out, he’s going to get fired. (c8


I thought we came here for ObamaGirls occasional insightful assclownery in the comments. That and the pathetic threats of lawsuits from exposed douchebags.


Hey…don’t put yourself down, Brother. A lot of us come here to read your drivel! LOL!



where do i pick up my free beer?


Personally, I come here for the humor and to remember that there are brave men and women who will ensure the safety of me and mine no matter how stupid the politicians are. As for the ads, can I just send you a check instead?


Very nice, I’m glad this was made right.


@14 You forgot the hot wings, too.

Dave Thul

I think John payed the reporter off for the story, all in an attempt to get us to click some damn ads.

OK, it worked.


Thank you Jonn and all at TAH!


Love it when a plan comes together.

Zero Ponsdorf

Jonn Lilyea – Mr Humble? How scarey is that?


Yeah, what is this ad clicking horsecrap? I demand to see your financial records to verify that anyone clicked a single link.

Doc Bailey

holy crap. THEY CAN BE TAUGHT!!!


Dear Jonn, I do click your ads when they don’t suck. Trouble is that I don’t need a new job; don’t want to ever have to go back to school (I am already way over educated); and am not addicted to anything. Can’t you do something about what shows up?

Old Trooper

Ok, I clicked a few ads; happy now?


One either becomes famous or notorious, with no choice as to which one.

Gee, I wonder what the assclowns over at the WaPo think of me? I’ve only been banned from their discussion boards about 200 times.

Doc Bailey

John, just curious, are you tracking many SVA convictions?


I come here for the chicks with the amazing racks in the “Things not to eat” ads.

^ This. Where do these chicks live?

Just Plain Jason

What ads? I thought this was viewer supported radio?

Yat Yas 1833

WOW! And all I was looking for was a site of veterans and right thinkers where I could see other points of view that might match my own. This is too damn cool!


I clicked on the ads. So, where’s the beer and meat balls?

Just A Grunt

Congrats once again. You know if you charged newspapers and reporters to do their leg work we wouldn’t have to click on your damn ads just to keep you stocked up on Guiness.


Made my day reading this, give credit where credit is due! Thanks Jonn and TAH!


“…Wemple asked me for my DD214 before he published his post.”

Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang. Hmmm. Maybe the horse will learn to sing, after all?

Well done, Jonn. Fire for effect.

Cedo Alteram

Moving up in the world Jonn. See even TSO as a side kick, unlike Hanson at Blackfive, is actually kind of useful. Haha

Yeh, I stop by once a day or so, sometimes more. I origionally started coming because of your VoteVet exposes. Then kept coming back.